The first Springfield Revitalization Corporation Chili Cookoff was held Dec. 5 at the Springfield City Hall parking lot as part of the Olde Effingham Christmas event. The event’s proceeds go to the support of the revitalization of downtown Springfield and to the renovation of the historic Mars Theatre.
Two of the teams had a challenge going. Burns Insurance Company and Citizens Bank said that the one that does not win the best booth award would take a pie to the face and a pie was flung. Instead of Brooke Burns getting pied, she turned the tables and let Lisa Pittman of Citizens Bank have it.
Serving as judges for the event were Richard Bush, Reggie Loper and Connie Burns. Seven teams participated, with Jeff Northway taking first place, Effingham Hospital taking second and Pizza Chef coming in with third place. The People’s Choice award went to the team from Citizens Bank. The event was sponsored by the SRC and Coca Cola.