The Coastal Health District and Savannah Sand Gnats are partnering again for “Hit Tobacco Out of the Park Night” on Saturday.
The day will begin with the Coastal Health District Healthy Heart Home Run 5K Trot at 8 a.m. To register, go to Packet pick-up will take place from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Friday at Fleet Feet Sports located at 3405 Waters Avenue, and from 7-7:45 a.m. on Saturday at historic Grayson Stadium.
Pre-race registration is $25. On-site registration the day of the race will take place from 7-7:30 a.m. and cost that day will be $30. Part of the proceeds will benefit the Chatham County Safety Net Planning Council.
That evening from 5-7 p.m., representatives from the Coastal Health District will provide information about the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line and local smoking cessation classes, blood pressure screens and information about avoiding high blood pressure, demonstrations on different exercises you can do at home, and information on healthy eating.
For more information, contact Cristina Gibson at or Joe Shepard at