(The following was printed in the Feb. 28, 1878, issue of the Savannah Morning News)
Springfield, Ga.
The silver wedding (anniversary) of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reisser, who forty years ago were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, was celebrated at their residence in Effingham County by their many children and grandchildren to-day. This family is remarkable for the rarity and novelty of the case. For what couple to-day watch with parental solitude over seventeen children, the youngest of which is twelve years of age, and twenty-one hopeful grandchildren? There has been but little sickness and not a single death in the family.
Early in the morning the guests began to appear, and at eleven o’clock a concourse of people had assembled, which presented more of the appearance of a camp-meeting rendezvous than a family meeting. The early part of the morning was spent in giving and receiving presents, which were appropriately donated to the father and mother by their children.
But finally the scene changed, and the sound of the dinner bell summoned the guests to a spacious hall, where a bountiful repast has been prepared by the parents, composed chiefly of the fruits of their own industry.
After dinner the time was spent in pleasant conversation and social intercourse until another summons came, which again brought the crowd together, when refreshments were given that satisfied the thirst of all. The sentiments suggested by the occasion were presented in a few appropriate remarks by one of the sons-in-law.
Mr. Reisser is indeed a practical farmer. He may be properly termed the pioneer farmer of Effingham County, always having taken the lead in the introduction of new plans and ideas. Well may he boast that he “eats not the bread of idleness” or of fraud, and that his gains are not wrung from his fellow man by devices of avarice or extortion; that his joys have been elevated and his sorrows alleviated by the cheering voice and sweet smiles of his beloved wife.
Mrs. Reisser is the impersonation of charity and benevolence. She watches carefully with maternal care over her household, and rules with wisdom and affection her domestic circle. Of her it may truly be said, “None know her but to love her. None name her but to praise.”
Mr. and Mrs. Reisser are both apparently in the prime of life, and bid fair for many years of earthly enjoyment.
(end of Savannah Morning News article)
Their seventeen children were:
Hannah Caroline – married Elbert Weitman
Sarah Ann – never married
Frances Florence – married John F. Helmly
Susan Eveline – married Allen Kieffer
Margaret Winifred – married Luther Groover
Josephine Charlotte – married Horace W. Everette
Mary Felisha – married Benjamin Metzger
Jane Elizabeth – married Louie Morgan
Georgia Anna – married John Wesley Edwards
Virgil Herbert – married Ella Gnann
Adaline Althea – married John Hinely
John Walter – married Mary Eliza Gnann, 2nd – married - A. Mallory
Matilda Victoria – married John B. Gnann, 2nd – married William C. Rahn
William Christopher – married Mary Metzger
Bartow Bee – never married
Alice Naomi – married Charles Gnann
Ella Vanesse – never married
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reisser were my great-great-grandparents. Many in the county are descended from this union. Their home was north of Springfield toward Clyo in the Midway community on property that is now known as Springhill Farms, formerly owned by Francis Reiser. Although some into my grandmother’s generation continued to use the spelling of Reisser with a double s, most in the area use the spelling of Reiser with a single s. The “silver wedding anniversary” is now usually associated with 25 years but was different in 1878.
This article was compiled by Susan Exley of Historic Effingham Society. If you have questions, comments or photos to share, please call her at 754-6681 or email: susanexley@historiceffinghamsociety.org