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Have You Seen This? Insane glacial bike race
This video shows rider Jamie Nicolls point of view as he launches into the first 2.5 minutes of the race. It becomes clear that half the race is about trying to stay upright, and the other half is about not plowing over competitors who have biffed it in front of you. - photo by Martha Ostergar
LAND OF ICE AND SNOW Think youve heard and seen everything in the world of sports? Think again.

Welcome to Megavalance.

Its a four-day event with over 1,400 participants from around the world who attempt to ride 18 miles down a glacier in France on mountain bikes. Riders go from Le Pic Blanc (10,827 feet) to Allemont (2,362 feet), slipping and sliding the whole way.

Yes, its just as insane and hilarious as it sounds.

This video shows rider Jamie Nicolls point of view as he launches into the first 2.5 minutes of the race. It becomes clear that half the race is about trying to stay upright, and the other half is about not plowing over competitors who have biffed it in front of you.

Its mayhem at its finest for reportedly the longest downhill race in the world.

Here's another view of the start of the race, showing the massive pack as they vie for position.

When I watch this, all I can think of is paperboy Johnny in Better Off Dead, who rides over a snowy cliff, attempting to collect his monthly $2 fee.