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This mother lost track of her son during Las Vegas shooting. Here's how social media reunited them
A mother said she experienced 'the worst feeling in the world' during the Las Vegas shooting on Sunday night when she couldnt find one of her children. - photo by Herb Scribner
A mother said she experienced the worst feeling in the world during the Las Vegas shooting Sunday night when she couldnt find one of her children.

But, as multiple reports suggest, Doris Huser, a mother of two, was reunited with her son after Las Vegas residents shared a picture of the boy on social media.

Las Vegas resident Chris Cunningham posted the picture from the Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center after Lindsay Rogers, who also survived the shooting, found the young boy.

"All I remember is seeing my son and I dropped to my knees," Huser said, according to KTNV. "He ran as hard as he could to me and we were like one for a second. He just held on to me so tight."

Huser attended the country music festival with her children and her sister. The evening started off as any other concert would, with fried food, ice cream and music, per Time magazine.

Huser, along with her son Aden, 5, and daughter Cordelia, 8, set up outside the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino with a good view but not too close the stage.

Before country music star Jason Aldean came on stage, Cordelia gave Huser a look.

"So then Jason Aldean comes on and we start kind of rocking out, dancing and having a good time," Huser told Time. "And Cordelia gives me that look: I have to go to the potty."

So Huser left for the bathroom with Cordelia, telling her sister Samantha, 25, and her son Aden that shed be right back.

But then the shooting began. In total, 59 people were killed and more than 500 were injured from a lone gunmans assault.

People told Huser to run. She didnt.

"People say that in a war, you get an instinct to stay down, to get cover, but I didn't have that instinct," Huser said. "All I had was, 'I have to find my son. I have to find my sister.'"

Despite calls from the crowd for her to get down, Huser did no such thing. She doggedly searched for her son.

But Aden became separated in the chaos and he ended up across town with Rogers, who found him while working at a merchandise tent, according to ABC-11.

"I was nervous to take him because I knew that his mom would be devastated to find that her child was gone, but in the moment we thought that the best decision was to get as many people as safe as possible. The shots were so sporadic and it wasn't stopping so we took a chance," Rogers told ABC News.

Rogers arranged for her and Aden to get a ride to the nearby hospital. Cunningham posted a picture of Aden on Facebook to help him find his mother.

Huser eventually heard from her father, who had been told that Aden had ended up at the hospital, according to KTNV.

And Samantha, her sister, had been helped and brought to a nearby Hooters restaurant. The family eventually reunited there.

Now Huser said she wants to tell her children to always love each other.

"I told them, we've been through a war. Now is the time we have to be here for each other," Huser said about her children, according to Time. "If you want to cuddle up together, that's fine. You have to talk to each other, love each other."