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Lawmakers pass crossover day
Hill Jack
Sen. Jack Hill

The Legislature begins the last three weeks of the 2015 session having passed “crossover day.” Most of the top issues remain to be settled. Transportation, medical marijuana and the 2016 budget will all ultimately be completed by conference committees.

Passed the Senate and sent to the House
SB 132 - Combines all dual enrollment programs into one, “Move on When Ready.” Allows college or technical school credit to count towards graduation and caps fees. Passed 53-0.

SB 69 - Grants members of the State Defense Force the same rights as members of the National Guard and Reserves, protecting them from being fired while deployed. Passed 51-0.

SB 134 - Closes loopholes and requires all speeding fine amounts to be calculated when determining the revenue percentage allowed as percentage of overall budget. Passed 52-2.

SB 156 - Authorizes the State Charter Schools Commission to establish a nonprofit foundation for the purpose of seeking supplemental funds and in-kind goods, services and property. Passed 44-9.

SB 168 - Designates the Old Governor’s Mansion in Milledgeville as the official state historic house. Passed 50-1.

SB 175 - Prohibits the importation of animals/birds into Georgia without an official certificate of veterinary inspection. Passed 49-3.

SR 80 - Urges the State Board of Education to instruct the College Board to incorporate the Georgia Performance Standards for social studies and return to an Advanced Placement U.S. history exam that aligns a positive approach. Passed 38-17.

SB 76 - Allows motorcyclists whose vehicles do not trigger a traffic signal to treat it as a stop sign. Passed 51-4.

SB 111 - Allows continuing care providers to offer “personal services” including eating, bathing, or grooming at a patient’s home on or off site of a facility. Passed 51-2.

SR 155 - Encourages Congress to adopt and to submit to the states a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution and balance our current budget. Passed 37-17.

SB 148 - Transfers powers and responsibilities of Governor’s Office of Consumer Affairs to the Attorney General’s office. Passed 48-5.

SB 183 - Limits the civil liability for livestock activities. Passed 41-11.

SB 184 - Prohibits local regulation of domestic dogs based on breed. Passed 42-11.

SB 59 - Authorizes the use of public-private partnerships to develop public infrastructure and facilities. Passed 51-0.

SB 35 - A misdemeanor offense of cruelty to children includes leaving a child six or younger unattended, or supervised by a child younger than 13 years old, or under circumstances that pose a risk of harm to the child’s health or safety. Passed 50-0.

SB 164 - Encourages local boards of education to implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Response to Intervention (RTI) programs and initiatives, especially in high-needs schools. Passed 51-0.

SB 63 - Grants local brewpubs the ability to sell a limited retail container and to give a sample container to tour participants. Passed 51-5.

SB 122 - Allows SPLOST proceeds to be used to repair capital outlay projects including roads, streets and bridges during natural disasters or emergencies. Passed 54-0.

SB 185 - Creates a five-year clinical trial to study cannabidiol-containing products (medical marijuana) to be conducted by the Board of Regents. Passed 54-1.

SB 203 - Creates the Georgia World War I Centennial Commission. Passed 53-0.

SB 130 - Bans smoking in cars with children under 15 years old. Passed 37-3.

SB 154 - Authorizes the use of body cameras by police in official duty. Passed 39-6.

SB 145 - Requires at least one member of the Board of Community Health to be an active participant of the State Health Benefit Plan. Passed 45-0.

SB 138 - Implements recommendations of the Governor’s Child Welfare Reform Council, creating an interagency central data repository to maximize sharing of important data among certain agencies. Restores the Child Abuse Registry. Passed 41-3.

SR 444 - Commending Mrs. Karen Tanksley of the Effingham Herald on her retirement.

SR 445 - Honoring the life and memory of Lynda Anne Brannen Williamson.

Legislation, meeting schedules and legislative actions may be accessed at:

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