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5 terrible diseases that you can get from a single kiss
Kissing is super fun, but actually super gross. - photo by Callie Hansen
Kissing is something we all do. We kiss hello and goodbye, we kiss our parents and our siblings in familial love, and then one day we get our first real kiss ... and seem to prefer romantic kisses with your special someone over any sort of kiss just to say hello.

However, in a mere 10 second kiss, as much as 80 million bacteria can be transferred between two people. Thats an extremely short time to exchange a disease especially since you're probably kissing more than once, right?

Im sure the last thing you want to think about when youre kissing someone is the amount of bacteria youre exchanging, let alone the diseases you might be sharing, but it's important to know. The next time you lean in for a kiss, maybe consider these five terrible diseases you can get from a smooch.

1. Mononucleosis

Known to most as just mono this is a disease that is extremely contagious. Its prevalent among people ages 15-30 and is spread mainly through saliva (easily caught by kissing or sharing a drink or food with someone with mono).

Symptoms include extreme fatigue, fever, head and body aches and other flu-like symptoms. Immediately see your doctor if youre experiencing any of those symptoms so you can receive proper treatment.

2. Herpes simplex

This is a virus that youve most likely had before If youve had a cold sore, youve had herpes simplex. Sores on your face around the mouth or a tingling, itching or burning sensation, are all symptoms of herpes simplex. The sores can appear anywhere on the skin, but are most common around the mouth area. These sores can last for weeks.

3. Cytomegalovirus

Also known as CMV, you can get this silent virus without showing any symptoms. Worst of all, once you have it, you have it for life. Its contracted through exchange of saliva (and other bodily fluids). If youre healthy, you mostly dont need treatment. But if you experience symptoms of fatigue, a sore throat and have swollen glands, your immune system may be weakened and visiting a doctor to attain necessary medication will help you to get better.

4. Streptococcus

You know this one as strep throat. Strep and mono are easily mistaken for each other because the symptoms are similar, which includes a sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes and sometimes even a rash. Its spread through saliva but is easily contagious through coughing or sneezing. Strep is more common in children, but is not uncommon for adults to catch, especially because its so easily spread. If you experience any of the above symptoms, see a doctor to receive prescribed medication.

5. Gingivitis

Gingivitis is an extremely common form of gum disease brought on by poor oral hygiene but can also be transmitted through the exchanging of bacteria. Gingivitis can cause sores on your gums, making them bleed (it also makes kissing no fun at all). The best way to prevent getting gingivitis is to keep good care of your mouth! Brush your teeth, use mouthwash and floss often. However you can be at greater risk if you have poor nutrition, are pregnant, experiencing hormonal changes or are of an older age.

Still want to kiss someone after all of that? Despite all the risks and diseases you could get from kissing, its still pretty fun and really exciting. Just make sure youre making the necessary precautions so you can prevent these five terrible diseases.