One man is in the Effingham County Jail facing charges resulting from a road rage incident Tuesday afternoon on Highway 21.
At approximately 1:30 p.m. deputies responded to a report of a fight at the intersection of Highway 21 and Westwood Drive.
According to witnesses, the driver of a pickup truck, Kenneth Dyson, 51 of Springfield, began to slam on his breaks while a log truck was behind him.
Once stopped at the intersection, Dyson exited his vehicle and approached the truck driver opening his door and attempted to grab him.
The truck driver kicked Dyson and a fight ensued on the roadway.
The truck driver was able to detain Dyson until sheriff’s deputies could arrive on the scene.
Dyson was arrested and charged with simple battery, disorderly conduct, and public drunkenness. Dyson sustained minor injuries in his fight with the victim.
He is currently being held in the Effingham County Jail.