Javontae Sarrod Parrish, Hwy. 21/Hwy. 275 – speeding in excess of posted limit (70 mph in 55 mph zone); possession of a Schedule 1 or Schedule II substance.
Xavier Maurice Wallace, McCall Road -- obstructing or hindering law enforcement, making terroristic threats, walking in middle of road.
Hope Caitlin Laslie, Log Landing Road – driving too fast for conditions (icy road); driver to obtain new license within 60 days of name change, DUI.
Vickie Bruner, Wes Edwards Road – battery, family violence (first offense).
Timothy Hoover, Old River Road/Schuman Drive – driving while license is suspended or revoked, driving without registration tags.
Samuel Najera, S. Laurel Street – driving while unlicensed, failure to maintain lane.
Sariah Shakira Sade White, Third Street – driving while license is suspended.
Laurel Lane – Deputies responded to a house-alarm activation. Deputies observed the back sliding glass door was not locked. They cleared the house noting that nothing seemed to be disturbed or missing. Deputies secured the residence before leaving.
Hwy. 21 – a woman reported that her child’s father was arguing with her about returning the child at the agreed-upon time. The child was returned to the mother by the man’s parents.
Magnolia Drive – a man reported that a former tenant (a woman) returned to his property and asked to stay there. The man refused and wanted a criminal trespass complaint filed against her.
Savannah Town Road – a man reported that he was putting gasoline on an outside fire when some spilled on him. The man told the deputy that he got into the car to turn it on to warm up when the car caught on fire. The man was not injured, but the vehicle was severely damaged.
Hwy. 21S – a Waffle House employee reported that sometime between 4 and 4:30 a.m. her blue fanny pack went missing. The woman said that inside was her wallet and credit cards and maybe her passport.
Hwy. 21N – Deputies responded to the Dollar General where a man and a woman were having an argument.
Hwy. 21S – a man reported that his vehicle had caught on fire. ECFR was on scene and able to extinguish the fire.
Hwy. 80 – an employee of the Chevron station reported that the driver of a black Ford Edge had backed into and damaged two fuel pumps. Surveillance video was too grainy to definitively see the vehicle’s plates. Deputy followed up with the station manager who told the deputy that the damaged pumps cost more than $25,000 each to repair or replace.
Zittrouer Road – a man reported that an unknown person had allegedly stolen his identity and was attempting to obtain a line of credit.
Low Ground Road – a woman reported there was an aggressive dog loose on her property that attempted to bite both her and her neighbor. Deputy checked the dog’s collar for any owner ID but didn’t find any. The dog, a white Great Pyrenees, was placed in the back of the patrol vehicle and taken to Effingham County Animal Control.
Nevis Road – a woman reported that an unknown person may have stolen her husband’s identity and attempted to apply for personal loans from two separate institutions. Deputy advised the man to freeze his accounts to prevent any further fraudulent activity while the case is investigated.
St. Phillip Way – Springfield PD responded to a call of two females having a loud verbal argument.