During the 2018-29 school term, 5,231 Georgia seventh graders enrolled in the Georgia Duke TIP program.
Of those, 4,262 took either the SAT or the ACT and 1,449 received scores that qualified them to attend the 2019 Duke Tip State Recognition Ceremony. This group includes Effingham County Middle School’s Nathan Hayes.
Duke TIP is the Duke University Talent Identification Program that works closely with parents and educators to indentify academically talented students. Since its inception in 1980, more than 2.9 million students have participated and benefitted from advanced learning programs, enrichment resources, research-based educational strategies and recognition activites.
Students who are performing at the very top of their grade level are invited to join Duke TIP and are able to compete to attend a recogntion ceremony by taking the SAT or ACT college entrance exams.