SAVANNAH — Candidate for Congress Ray McKinney (R-Savannah) signed a pledge Thursday supporting common-sense reform of how Congress spends taxpayer dollars.
"Earmarks and out of control government spending restrict America's ability to address genuine national priorities and interfere with fair, competitive markets” said McKinney. “I am the only Republican candidate in this race to sign the Citizens Against Government Waste pledge on earmark reform. When the Republican Party embraces the birthright of reform, which is our heritage as a party, we succeed and win elections."
Here are some highlights of the promises made in the pledge McKinney signed:
• Fully disclose all earmarked funding or targeted tax benefit requests on his Congressional Web site.
• Not request any earmarked funding that would come from a federal program that is not currently authorized by Congress. Not request any earmarked funding or targeted tax benefit provision that does not serve a federal interest and/or have a federal nexus.
• Not request any earmarked funding or targeted tax benefit provision for an entity located outside of the state I represent. Not request any earmarked funding or targeted tax benefit provision that would be directed toward a specific private entity that was not requested by an agency.
• Support legislation that would end the linkage between campaign contributions and earmarks.
• Support legislation that requires any earmarked funding or targeted tax benefit provision be put in the text of the bill, be available for discussion at an open Congressional hearing, and be disclosed with the requesting Member(s), amounts, recipients, and purpose at least one week before the bill is brought to the floor.
McKinney added that he will support a balanced budget amendment as well as an amendment to the Constitution giving the President line item veto authority over spending bills so he can reduce waste and eliminate earmarks.