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TS Debby did quite a number on Effingham County
Rincon sand bags
Tracy Crutcher, left, and Leon Walker filled sandbags for themselves and helped others as well at Freedom Park in Rincon, Aug. 5 before TS Debby made her appearance. (Photo by Jeff Whitten/Effingham Herald.)

Special to the Herald

SPRINGFIELD – Fourteen – as in the approximate inches of rainfall that fell over a three-day span -- is just one of the staggering numbers associated with Tropical Storm Debby in Effingham County.

Here are some other preliminary numbers:

1 – Rescue operation performed by Effingham County Fire and Rescue

17.97 feet – Depth the Ogeechee River reached at its crest Aug. 10

22 – Damaged roads reopened following repairs by Public Works

51 – Reports to for non-emergency assistance (calls to the related phone line 912-754-8311 and E-911 are still being tabulated.)

83 – Calls to Public Works about fallen trees, road damage, etc.

100 (estimate) – Doors knocked on and property owners talked to as evacuation orders were issued along the Ogeechee River by the Effingham County Emergency Management Association

145 – Work orders written for Public Works (28 remain open)

245 (estimate) – Public Works overtime hours related to the storm

315 – gallons of asphalt patch used for potholes

2,000 – the total square footage of potholes that 315 gallons of asphalt patch typically fills

10,000 (estimate) – Sand bags distributed to residents at the Clarence E. Morgan Complex, Sand Hill Complex, and Staffordshire subdivision.

Updated numbers on these matters and others will be reported as they become available over the next few days.