Everyone seemed to love it and it made this mom’s heart feel good. Them playing was their idea, which made it even more amazing.Amanda Arkwood
RINCON — Even the smallest hearts can have an unlimited capacity for caring.
Siblings Austin and Brooke Arkwood raised funds for needy families by singing Christmas carols and “playing” their guitars. They performed for two hours next to Bi-Lo in Pooler on Christmas Eve.
“It really touched my heart what my kids wanted to do,” said Amanda Arkwood, the young musicians’ proud mother. “They can’t really play the guitar — they are three (Brooke) and five years old (Austin) — but I played the songs and they tried, too!
“Everyone seemed to love it and it made this mom’s heart feel good. Them playing was their idea, which made it even more amazing.”
Passers-by put $477.77 in buckets in front of the Arkwoods, who were decked out in Christmas apparel. The children used the money to buy food and gifts for three families.
“They sung the songs, helped pick out all of the gifts and groceries, and helped wrap and deliver it all,” Mrs. Arkwood said. “We are hoping to do it again next year.”