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Governor vetoes 21 pieces of legislation
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Governor Deal released his list of 21 pieces of legislation he vetoed on the very last day he could do so. Here's a brief synopsis of each. See a link at the end for further reference.
Veto No. 1 – HB 354 – Would have reconstituted the Georgia International Maritime Trade Center Authority in Savannah as a public corporation and instrumentality of the state. The Governor cited lack of built-in oversight and unlimited bond capacity as the reasons for caution.
Veto No. 2 – HB 410 would have capped fees homeowners associations can charge for certain information. The Governor questioned the cap and cited possible burdensome responsibilities the bill might have created.
Veto No. 3 – HB 441 has to do with spendthrift trusts or self-settled asset protection trusts. The Governor cited unintended consequences and questioned the need for the trusts.
Veto No. 4, 5, 6 & 7 – are all local bills vetoed at the request of the authors due to a date error.
Veto No. 8 – HB 586 – Also a local bill vetoed for dating error.
Veto No. 9 – HB 600 – Local bill that was vetoed because of Governor's concerns over the changes in the balance of power in City Council
Veto No. 10 – HB 754 – Allowed insurers in Georgia to subdivide into two companies. Governor questioned the need and lack of safeguards.
Veto No. 11 – HB 795 – would have placed the Workers compensation Board under the Georgia Administrative Procedures Act. Governor questioned the need given the existence of the Advisory Council and that the bill might have increased legislative control.
Veto No. 12 – HB 870 – Annexed the Fulton County Industrial District into the City of South Fulton. Governor believed the citizens of Fulton County should first vote on the repeal of the constitutional amendment.
Veto No. 13 – HB 912 – Allowed Spalding County State Court to implement a technology fee. Governor saw this as an unnecessary burden on court filers.
Veto No. 14 – HB 942 – Would have created the Savannah Farmers Market Commission as a political subdivision of the state. Governor saw this as an unnecessary level of government displacing local control.
Veto No. 15 – HB 995 – Had to do with government contracts with private consultants. The Governor seemed to object to the language being lifted from DOAS standard form contracts.
Veto No. 16 – HB 1039 – Created the big Canoe Water and Sewer Authority as a political subdivision of the state and public corporation. House sponsors requested the veto.
Veto No. 17 – HB 1047 – Permitted State Court of Washington County to implement a $15.00 fine surcharge for technology. Governor cited lack of necessity and that those types of expenses should be paid through the local appropriations process.
Veto No. 18 – SB 315 – Made computer hacking or unauthorized access a crime. Objections were raised about hindering government and industry in their efforts to prevent hacking. Governor suggested more collaboration on a future bill,
Veto No. 19 – SB 338 – Changed the process for the legislature to suspend agency rule changes. Governor cited the unnecessary transfer of power from the Executive Branch to the Legislative Branch.
Veto No. 20 – SB 342 – Would have allowed a vehicle owner to retain possession of the automobile after being cited for out of date sticker if owner presented the court with a current sticker. Governor cited the existing exception if the sticker was purchased prior to the traffic stop and seizure of the automobile.
Veto No. 21 – SB 357 – Results of Senate Study Commission on Healthcare policy that created a health Coordination and Innovation Council assigned to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget. Governor objected to the head of OPB not having any functional authority over the Council.
Veto overrides are common in many states but not in Georgia. I can only remember one time the Legislature overrode a Governor's veto.
Want to read the Governor's veto message? Go to this link: 2018-veto-statements

Full transcripts of bills may be found at . Simply type the bill number into the box at the top left-hand corner of the screen and specify if it is in the House or the Senate. The FY 2019 budget (H.B. 684) may be found at As always, I welcome any questions you may have.