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Her work is noticed, and appreciated
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Dear Editor,

I had an opportunity last Saturday night to go to a celebration banquet. My wife is a member of the organization G.L.O.W., which is an acronym for God Loves Orphans and Women. Not “Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling,” as my good friend David Lamb of G.A.P. often quips.

This was put on by Wendy Turner, who is the lady who got this ministry up and going. She has driven all who would and could help just as hard as she could but not for her benefit. She has worked as hard and harder than the ones who have helped her. This night was a small token of the appreciation to the ones who have stood in the gap to help the children and their caregivers with food and other things such as Santa’s workshop. Most importantly they are ministering to the children. I could go on and on about this ministry, but you will have to contact Wendy herself (If you dare, she will put you to work.)

My reason for this missive is really about Wendy herself. As I sat and listened to her that night I was so moved by the selfless attitude of this woman. As she said something good about all who have helped in any form or fashion she was constantly giving all the glory to God. I was literally sitting and listening to a hour and a half testimony proclaiming what God has done in this cause.
With the world and local problems that we all face it is a blessing to know that there are God fearing people around who are still proclaiming the Word to our local community.

Wendy, if you slow down long enough to read this, be assured your work does not go unnoticed by your fellow Christians or He who gives you the strength. Now get back to work.

Bill McLendon