Dear Editor,
Thanks for all the support you have given us in the pursuit of a new centralized complex.
It was a great day for the citizens of Effingham County Tuesday night when the commissioners approved the purchase of the tract of land on Highway 21. We will now have the opportunity to go from about a 20-acre complex on Highway 119 to over 75 acres on Highway 21.
Once the centralized complex is up and working, we will still have the fields at Highway 119 for practice — nothing is going away, it’s just more facilities for the people of Effingham to enjoy.
I have been involved in sports in Effingham County since my youth and have been a part of the Effingham County Youth Athletic Association (prior to 1975, all volunteered by citizens)/Effingham County Recreation Department (est. in 1975) since 1967. So I have be around to see all the changes over the years and hope to still be here when this complex takes off running.
A big thank you to the county commissioners, Toss Allen, Adam Kobek and the Recreation Board for all their hard work to get up to this point.
Now we can get ready and work hard to further this project.
Clarence E. Morgan
Effingham County Recreation and Parks