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Theres something about Christmas Eve
Lefavi Bob
Rev. Bob LeFavi

Come to church Christmas Eve. Bring your family.

There is something very special about Christmas Eve that resonates in the soul of every person who has ever experienced such a worship service. From wide-eyed young children to elderly who wouldn’t consider being anywhere else that night, people feel a sense of joy and peace at Christmas Eve service that can only come from God.

Often those who have not been very active in their church also feel this pull to experience the joy of Christmas Eve once again, but unfortunately decide to stay away.

Perhaps they believe they will be judged by others. Perhaps they feel guilty about just coming once or twice a year (commonly known as “CEOs,” for “Christmas and Easter Only”). Perhaps they feel they’re a bit of a Christian fraud (as if we all aren’t in some way.) Or perhaps they have hard feelings against someone at church.

For those folks, I say this: Come to church Christmas Eve. Bring your family.

I’m sure your pastor would love to see you more often, but I honestly don’t know one pastor who wouldn’t be thrilled to look out into the congregation Christmas Eve and see you there.

So, you haven’t been active in church during the year. So what. So, you are a “CEO.” So what. So you feel less than authentic as a Christian. Take a number.

There is no better way to feel the love of God than to experience the joy of celebrating with others His breaking into this world in the flesh. And even if you don’t get that theologically, that’s okay. Put yourself in the place where heaven and earth can meet in your soul, once again. Come to church Christmas Eve. Bring your family.

For there is a warmth, a joy that is quite intangible, ethereal, and mystical to stand with others and proclaim Christ as Lord, even at His birth. For there is something deeply moving about going home with your family the night before Christmas with “Silent Night, Holy Night” still reverberating in your heart and mind.

You have felt it. It hasn’t left you. It draws you back. And in the end, it really is about you and God.

So, come to church Christmas Eve. Bring your family.

We want you with us, once again.