This is the conclusion of the continuing PTA history by Mattie Lou Hinely of the Springfield PTA from 1928-46.
Under leadership of Mrs. W. W. Jones the 1938-39 year began with the report that the fence had been built, $156.04 had been cleared from summer activities, dental and eye clinics were held, dental follow up and one pair of eyeglasses provided by PTA. Tuberculin tests were given to all students and those reacting had x-rays.
A skin disease clinic and hookworm clinical testing and treatment procedures were implemented at no cost. The lunch room committee stated that work has begun on a gymnasium and space for a kitchen and lunch room will be provided in the building.
Through NYA cooperation donations of material were secured to build a Vocational Building providing with space for classes in one half and a cannery in one half. The Garden Club donated $25 in plants for beautification and that the PTA will try to keep livestock off the campus. The County Library Board commended the Academy on its volumes and procedures attributed largely to the PTA.
Welfare committee was given authority to supervise the lunch room activities and decide which students would get free lunch. Plans were made to can vegetables during the summer for school lunches and jars secured. WPA furnished labor, Surplus Commodity Corporation furnishes large part of the food and PTA assumed other obligations.
The 1939-40 year under President Mrs. L. B. Ackerman the PTA used a play and Halloween carnival to supplement local dues. The lunch room was self supporting except for $65 purchase of a stove and $48 in other equipment and a $20 grant from the Board of Education for equipment. Lunches served increased to 196 during the year. Films became available for viewing. Library was upgraded with 124 books and laboratory equipment and supplies secured. TB, hookworm, immunization, preschool and dental clinics made available to all children.
Mrs. W. R. Webb served as President for two terms from 1940-42.
In the summer of 1940, 1100 quarts of fruits and vegetables were canned for the lunch program. Clinics continued, 38 needy children supplied clothing, and $5 contributed to both War Fund Drive and TB Seal Sales Fund. $120 worth of plants at half price secured and planted in rich soil provided by County Public Works.
Stray cows and hogs damaged some of shrubs. They tried to secure someone to keep them off campus. Basketball letters purchased at a cost of $13 by PTA. A chicken supper was organized to equip new home economics department. $10 in instruments was given for rhythm band. PTA sponsored a Boy Scout Cub Pack. Plans were made for summer 1941 for dedication of new building and barbeque to be held during school vacation.
During 1942-44, the PTA was under leadership of Mrs. J. M. Marchman. During this period the WPA workers in the lunchroom were discontinued. For the remainder of the term, the Board of Ed. paid one worker. Each parent was asked to a $1 contribution to pay other workers for the rest of the term. PTA granted $98 in equipment and 200 meals a day were served.
Cot, blanket and first aid kit supplied for first aid room. $10 contributed to a tonsillectomy. Donations to school included black out shades for recreation room, two combination record radio players, a United States and Georgia flag, song books for the auditorium and Venetian blinds. Seed and fertilizer secured to plant grass on campus. A request to establish Juvenile Court in Effingham was sent to Sen. Guyton.
1945-46 was under leadership of Mrs. Harry Ramsey. A full program was carried out as outlined in Congress Publications. A new project was the organization of a County PTA council. PTA sponsored the organizing of a Teen Age Canteen. This was highly successful and self-supporting from the beginning.
Immunization was the only clinic provided due to shortage of physician and dentists. A stove was given the lunchroom. The lunchroom now serves meals at 50 cents with state reimbursement sufficient to self support payment of workers. In order to keep library circulating, the PTA along with other PTA in the county contributed $2 a month toward bookmobile expenses. Organization was funded with dues and Halloween Carnival.
Mrs. Troy Tebeau was in the President’s chair for 1945-46. PTA sent their officers to a school of instruction in Statesboro. Financial conditions had improved and only one money making project a year along with dues was needed for funding.
The lunchroom began the year with $312 and was able to purchase all needed equipment and supplies with only a $50 contribution from the PTA. The lunchroom supervisor and first cook were sent to training Institute in the summer. Books were added to the library and they still had trouble keeping livestock out of school yard.
The year 1946-47 under PTA President, Mrs. Troy Tebeau celebrated the organization’s 19th year. During the program, Mattie Lou Hinely stated, “The year is now being lived by those of us here tonight. To attempt to tell what we hope to do might some day look different from our history which will be later told. Let us all renew our efforts in behalf of our children, our school and our community by keeping in mind the objects of all PTA. Will everyone please repeat these objects? (today we might say objectives)
To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, church and community.
To raise the standards of home life.
To bring into closer relation the home and the school, the parents that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the training of the child.
To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.”
This article was compiled by Susan Exley of Historic Effingham Society. If you have comments, photos or information to share contact her at 754-6681 or email: