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You've been pronouncing 'LaCroix' totally wrong
Youve probably seen the sparkling water LaCroix hanging around on store shelves. But how do you pronounce the Wisconsin-based drinks name? - photo by Herb Scribner
Everyones favorite new drink has a bit of an odd name.

Youve probably seen the sparkling water LaCroix hanging around on store shelves. But how do you pronounce the Wisconsin-based drinks name?

The true pronunciation is La-Kroy, according to

But Jimmy Fallon decided to send "Tonight Show" writer Arthur Meyer down to Rockefeller Plaza to ask people if they've tried the drink only Meyer pronounced LaCroix's name differently every time he said it to see if anyone would notice.

The results? Hilarious.

As you can see in the video below, Meyer's pronunciations varied from La Crow-wix to La La Croisha.

Watch the entire skit here.

The underdog seltzer water has been around for decades. But it was only last year that it exploded in popularity, according to Business Insider. Sales jump from $65 million in 2010 to $226 million in 2015.

Duane Stanford, the editor of the industry publication Beverage Digest, told Business Insider that the brand sat well with millennials.

"With millennials these days, it's all about authenticity and discovery, and they are suspicious of mainstream advertising messages," he said.