Jan. 27
Burglary-Second Degree (Felony)
A man stated that his neighbor found some of the man’s property on the side of the road. The property had been taken out of his shed and placed on the side of the road. It included two tool boxes and motorcycle gear. The neighbor noted that three men had previously been standing where the property was located. These men could not be contacted. The reporting officer was Matt Smith.
Jan. 29
Theft by Taking- Misdemeanor ($500 or Less)
A man advised that some of his medication had been stolen from his vehicle. The total number of pills stolen was 41. The man suspected that a local gang member had stolen the pills, but he could not confirm this. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Head/Tail Light Requirements
A woman was spotted driving down the road at night without her headlights on. At first, she refused to stop for police, but she eventually pulled into a driveway. It was noted that she smelled
strongly of alcoholic beverages, and she later admitted to drinking multiple beers earlier in the evening. A field sobriety test was not conducted, but a breath test confirmed that she was under the influence. A spilled beer and marijuana were also found in the woman’s vehicle, and she was placed under arrest. The reporting officer was John Preston Morris.
Jan. 30
Battery-Family Violence (First Offense) Misdemeanor; Obstructing or Hindering Persons Making Emergency Contact
A woman stated that her husband slapped her multiple times and spit on her face. She advised that the two were in the process of getting a divorce. Earlier that day, the husband had barged into her room and demanded to see her phone. When she refused, he got extremely violent before taking her phone and leaving. A friend who was present at the time confirmed this story. It was noted that the woman had a considerable amount of swelling on her face from the incident. The husband was eventually located and placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Criminal Trespass-Property Damage
A man stated that an unknown person threw rocks at his mobile home which caused damage to some windows. His neighbor saw several children at the property and confirmed the story. The man said that he would speak with the children’s parents. The reporting officer was John Reinhart.
Jan. 31
Domestic Dispute; Civil Matter
A woman advised that she was trying to get her son to leave her residence since his lease had expired. She had previously gotten into an argument with him over the issue where he called her derogatory names. The son’s girlfriend was also trying to take property from the residence. She was advised that she was not allowed to do so. The reporting officer was Bryan Shearouse.
Traffic Complaint/Violation; Possession of Methamphetamine; Possession of a Schedule III Controlled Substance; Wanted Person- Warrant Service; Driving Without a Valid License (Misdemeanor); No Insurance; Window, Windshield or Wiper Violation; Removing or Affixing License Plate with Intent to Conceal or Hide Illegal Activity; Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce; Possession and Use of Drug Related Objects
A man was seen driving down the road with a very large crack in his windshield. He admitted that he did not have a driver’s license on his person at the time. A background check revealed that he had an outstanding warrant and that his license plate did not match his vehicle. He advised that the vehicle belonged to his sister and that it did not have insurance. After being arrested, he admitted to having a smoking device and a small amount of marijuana. A female passenger also confirmed that methamphetamine was present in the vehicle. Another drug was also found, and the female passenger was swiftly arrested. The vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Christopher Cary.
Jan. 31
Knowingly Driving Motor Vehicle on Suspended, Cancelled or Revoked License
A woman was spotted driving down the road in a vehicle with suspended registration. She admitted that she did not have her driver’s license with her. At first, she provided false information regarding her name and date of birth, but she ultimately provided the correct information. It was soon discovered that she had two active warrants out for her arrest. She was swiftly arrested, and her vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Feb. 1
Harassing Communications
A man stated that he had bought a motorcycle and used a friend’s trailer to take it to his house. The friend then sent him a text saying that the man should sell the motorcycle or that he would burn it. The friend could not be contacted. The reporting officer was Matthew Holbrook.
Animal Complaint
A woman stated that she went to her sister’s residence and that a mysterious dog attacked her sister’s dog when she opened the door. The mysterious dog was contained and had only minor injuries. Blood stains were present on the inside of the house. It is unknown who the owner of the mysterious dog was. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.
Driving While License Withdrawn
A man was seen stopping his vehicle in the middle of the road. He got out of the vehicle and stated that he believed his tire to be flat. He later admitted that the tire was fine and that his license was suspended. He was arrested, and the vehicle was released to a licensed driver. A female passenger was warned because the vehicle did not have a valid license plate. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
No Insurance
A man was seen driving down the road in a vehicle with no insurance. He stated that he believed that his insurance was up to date and that he always made his payments. He was informed that his insurance had been cancelled, and he was given a citation. He contacted his mother to pick up the vehicle. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Feb. 2
Burglary-First Degree (Felony)
A man stated that his ex-wife and her husband broke into his house and stole a space heater. The theft occurred while the man was outside in his truck. The ex-wife and husband had previously demanded that the man pay them rent even though the man owns his own home. The ex-wife and husband could not be located. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Burglary-First Degree (Felony); Theft by Taking-Felony; Theft by Taking- Misdemeanor ($500 or Less)
A man stated that he returned to his residence to find that his vehicle was missing. He also discovered that his hidden house key, $140 and a pistol were missing from his house. He and his sister were unsure of who could have committed the thefts. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
DUI- Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Improper Left or Right Turn
A man was spotted failing to use his turn signal while executing a turn. It was noted that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages. He agreed to participate in a field sobriety test which he failed. He was swiftly placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.
Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce; Seat Belt Violation
A man was spotted driving down the road without wearing his seat belt. It was noted that his vehicle smelled strongly of marijuana. The man and a male passenger both admitted to having marijuana with them in the vehicle. All the illegal items were found, and the two men were placed under arrest. A female passenger was released from the scene. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.
Feb. 3
Theft of Lost/Mislaid Property- Misdemeanor; Financial Transaction Card Fraud
A woman advised that she had misplaced her wallet. It had been taken out of her purse which was in her car. Charges were made on her credit card which totaled to an amount of over $1,200. She was unsure of who could have stolen the wallet. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Failure to Obey Stop Sign; Reckless Driving
A man was seen driving down the road in a reckless manner and ignoring a stop sign. He reached excessive speeds before coming to a stop. He stated that he was on his way home, and he acted in an agitated manner when speaking with police. After being arrested, he informed police that a woman had threatened to kill him and a member of Congress. He further stated that he was a spy and that he worked in collaboration with several governmental agencies. His vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that he had gotten into an argument with his girlfriend over showering and that he was leaving the residence. He admitted to having several beers prior to the argument. The girlfriend agreed to take him to his mother’s house. The reporting officer was Justin Hynko.
Feb. 4
Possession and Use of Drug Related Objects; Wanted Person- Warrant Service
A woman was spotted failing to use her turn signal while driving down the road. A background check on a male passenger in her vehicle revealed that he had an outstanding warrant, and he was placed under arrest. A smoking device and cocaine were soon discovered near where the man was sitting, but he denied having any knowledge of the items. The woman was also arrested after admitting to having a marijuana grinder in her purse. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.