Feb. 3
Theft by Taking-Felony
A woman stated that some of her jewelry had been stolen from a small safe. The safe did not appear to be damaged, and not all the jewelry had been taken. The woman suspected her children of the theft, but she could not prove this. The reporting officer was John Reinhart.
Feb. 5
Abandonment of Domesticated Animal; Cruelty to Animals
A woman stated that her neighbor had been evicted from her residence and left her dog behind. While police were trying to catch the dog, the woman was contacted via social media who was laughing about the incident. The woman then got into an argument with another neighbor over providing information. The incident was defused, and the evicted neighbor was contacted who admitted to abandoning the dog since she could not take care of it. She then claimed that she had given the dog to the woman which turned out to be false. The evicted neighbor consented to the capture of the dog which was performed. It was then taken to a local animal shelter. The reporting officer was Tommy Williams.
Feb. 6
Damage to Property
A man stated that the previous residents of a house that he owned had damaged that residence extensively. It had previously been involved in an incident which left substantial damage, but it was now in shambles with most of the windows broken and many holes in the walls. The damage totaled to over $4,000. The previous tenants could not be contacted. The reporting officer was James Ashley Denny.
Feb. 7
Disorderly Conduct
A woman stated that after getting kicked out of her boyfriend’s house, his mother attacked her for no apparent reason and left her with a bloody nose. The mother then shouted profanities as the woman ran away. The mother confirmed this story but claimed that the woman started the fight. Both women were arrested because of the incident. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)
A man was spotted working on his truck on the side of the road without any caution lights. He stated that he was on his way to his girlfriend’s house when he hit an unknown object that busted his gas tank. A background check revealed that his driver’s license was suspended for failure, and he was swiftly arrested. His truck was collected by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Feb. 8
Financial Transaction Card Theft
A woman stated that several fraudulent charges had been made on her bank card. She had gotten the card restricted prior to making the report. The total amount of the charges nearly reached $1,500. She was unsure of who could have made the fake charges. The reporting officer was Caleb Grovenstein.
Obstruction of Law Enforcement (Misdemeanor)
A woman stated that a male had been in her store for several hours and was refusing to leave. He had been talking to himself and scaring many of the store’s employees. He also refused to provide any information and attempted to leave the scene when police arrived. He pushed an officer into a trash can, and it took two additional officers to restrain him. He was then placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.
Arson-Third Degree
Two men stated that their neighbor went onto their property and dumped his trash. He then threw one of the men’s $750 hearing aid into a fire and left. The neighbor was located and placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that his wife accused him of cheating and that when he tried to leave, she attacked him and bit him. The wife claimed that the man tried to hit and choke her before she bit him. Both parties agreed to separate for the night. The reporting officer was Justin Hynko.
Feb. 9
Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)
A man was seen driving down the road with a license that was suspended for failure to pay child support. When questioned, he claimed to be unaware of this. He was swiftly arrested, and he contacted his mother to pick up the vehicle. The reporting officer was Bryan Shearouse.
Domestic Dispute
A woman stated that she had gotten into an argument over money with her husband whom she was divorcing at the time. He had told her that he could no longer afford to pay her phone bill before snatching the phone away and leaving. She noted that he did not physically touch her. The husband could not be contacted. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Feb. 10
Traffic Complaint/Violation; Wanted Person- Warrant Service; Possession of Methamphetamine; Possession of Cocaine; Possession and Use of Drug Related Objects
A man was spotted driving down the road with windows that were extremely tinted. A background check revealed that he had several active warrants that were out of state, and he was placed under arrest. He admitted to having several illegal items in his possession including a smoking pipe, methamphetamine and cocaine which were later found in his vehicle. His friend was contacted who later collected the vehicle. The reporting officer was Christopher Cary.
Traffic Complaint/Violation; Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce
A man was seen driving down the road without wearing his seat belt. It was noted that he appeared to be very nervous when speaking with police. He later admitted that he had a small bag of marijuana in his vehicle. It was found, and the man was swiftly arrested. Two female passengers and two children were released from the scene. The reporting officer was Christopher Cary.
Damage to Property
A woman advised that the father of a man whom she had previously been in a relationship with had let her vehicle be damaged when he was supposed to be fixing it. The vehicle’s windows, seats and doors had all been damaged. The father claimed that the son had caused the damage, and he agreed to return the vehicle to the woman. The son could not be contacted. The reporting officer was James Hurst.
Feb. 11
Criminal Trespass
A woman stated that one of her friends on social media had been trying to get her to cheat on her husband. The husband said that when he confronted the friend, the friend threatened to beat the man and steal the woman. The friend was later located and he claimed that he would never hurt the man, as they were good friends. He agreed not to return to their house. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)
A woman was spotted driving down the road with a suspended driver’s license. She admitted to the accusation, and she was placed under arrest. A male passenger was released from the scene. The reporting officer was John Preston Morris.
Domestic Dispute
A woman stated that her son had punched her in the face before forcing his way into his grandmother’s house. It was noted that the grandmother’s door had been kicked in and was being held shut with a chair. The son was detained but was later released because of lack of evidence. He was advised not to return to either property. The reporting officer was Garett Buckles.