Jan. 18
Burglary-First Degree (Felony)
A man stated that someone had broken into his shed and stolen all his power tools. He found a screwdriver that he didn’t own on the ground outside of the shed. He was unsure of who could have committed the crime. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Jan. 25
Financial Transaction Card Fraud
A man and his wife stated that someone had stolen their debit card. The thief ended up making transactions of nearly $2,000 before the couple could cancel the card. A postal worker was able to identify a man who attempted to use the card, but he was unsure of where this man had gone. The reporting officer was Dawn DeVoss.
False Imprisonment
A man posted on social media that he was going to have to kill a woman because he had messed up. The man’s father said that everything was fine and the woman stated that the post was a joke. In an ironic twist, a background check revealed that the woman had an active warrant and she was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Victoria Wisecarver.
Jan. 26
Theft by Taking-Felony
A woman stated that while she was handling a deposit of $3,000 at her store, a man took $700 of it from her office. The man was pretending to use the bathroom, and he waited until the woman left the area to take the money. The man could not be located in the area. The reporting officer was Christopher Cary.
Possession of Methamphetamine; Possession of Methamphetamine with Intent to Distribute; Possession of a Schedule I Controlled Substance; Possession of a Schedule I or II Controlled Substance with Intent to Distribute; Possession of Cocaine; Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Distribute; Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce; Purchase, Possession, Manufacture, Distribution or Sale of Marijuana
A woman was seen driving down the road in an impaired manner with a male passenger. The woman stated that she was on her way home and admitted to having previously smoked marijuana. A background check revealed that both had suspended licenses and that the man had an active warrant out for his arrest. A search of the male passenger also revealed that he had methamphetamine hidden in his sock. He also had cocaine, heroin and marijuana hidden on his person. He was swiftly placed under arrest. The woman was found not to be impaired and was released from the scene. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that his daughter called out for help when an attacker entered the bedroom that she was sleeping in and bit her finger. At first, the daughter claimed that the attacker was her husband, but she then retracted her story saying that she was unsure of who it was. She also claimed that she accidently cut her finger. The husband could not be located. The reporting officer was Dawn DeVoss.
Jan. 27
Possession of Methamphetamine with Intent to Distribute; Possession of Tools for Commission of a Crime; Possession and Use of Drug Related Objects; Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce
A man was seen failing to maintain his proper lane of travel while driving down the road. A male passenger in the vehicle was also not wearing his seatbelt. The man stated that he was crossing the center line because he was nervous, while the male passenger said that he simply forgot to put on his seatbelt. The male passenger and a female passenger both admitted to being on probation for drug related charges, but they denied having any drugs on their persons. A scale, syringe and baggies were later found in the vehicle and both passengers were placed under arrest. They both denied having any knowledge of the scale. Upon questioning, the man advised that several locked boxes in the bed of the truck contained tools and that there was no need to open them. Ultimately, a scale, multiple baggies and marijuana were found in the boxes. The man was swiftly arrested. The two passengers were released from the scene due to denying knowledge of the illegal items. The reporting officer was Christopher Cary.
Possession of Firearms by Convicted Felons; Marijuana-Possess Less than One Ounce; Possession and Use of Drug Related Objects
A man was spotted driving down the road with the smell of marijuana emitting from his vehicle. He, along with a female passenger, admitted to having a small amount of marijuana and a grinder. The man also admitted to being a convicted felon. A further search of the vehicle revealed an unloaded rifle under the front seat. The man was placed under arrest, and the female passenger was released from the scene. The reporting officer was John Preston Morris.
Driving while License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)
A man was spotted driving down the road with a suspended driver’s license for failure to appear. He admitted that he knew about the suspension and was placed under arrest. He contacted his father to pick up the vehicle. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Burglary-Second Degree (Felony)
A man stated that someone stole five shotguns out of his unlocked truck. He noted that the truck also contained a huge stack of money that had not been touched. He was unsure of who could have committed the crime. The reporting officer was James Ashley Denney.
Burglary-Second Degree (Felony)
A man advised that he woke up to find the center console of his vehicle damaged. A handgun in the console had also been stolen. He was unsure of who could have committed the crime. The reporting officer was James Hurst.
Traffic Complaint/Violation
A man was seen traveling down the road at a high rate of speed. He stated that he was a representative of a Native American organization and that he was on his way to film a documentary on Haitian ancestry. A background check revealed that the man’s license was suspended and that he had several outstanding warrants for failure to appear. He was swiftly placed under arrest. The reporting officer was James Thompson.
Jan. 28
Criminal Trespass
A man stated that someone had gone through the woods behind his residence and tampered with his vehicle. The damages included a low tire, missing windshield wipers and torn wires. He was unsure of who had committed the crime but suggested that it could have been his neighbors. The reporting officer was Bryan Shearouse.
Criminal Trespass
A woman stated that her son was being harassed by his former romantic partner. The harassment included calls, texts and visits. The romantic partner could not be located at the time. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.
Damage to Property
A woman stated that she woke up to find a profane word spray painted on the side of her house. She questioned her neighbor who had a teenage son, but the neighbor denied any involvement. The teenage son also denied being involved. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
Affray (Fighting)
A man stated that he was at a friend’s residence when the friend went into a rage and attacked him. The man had red marks on his face and was bleeding from his mouth. The friend said that he got angry because the man had made suggestive comments about his wife. He also claimed that he was forced to punch the man because he was attacking him. Both parties were advised to stay away from each other until the situation blew over. The reporting officer was James Ashley Denney.