Dec. 27
Burglary-First Degree (Felony)
A man stated that someone had forced his way into his home and stolen multiple ladders, painting equipment, a battery charger, two rifles and a generator. The total value of the items was over $1,500. He did not know who could have committed the crime. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.
Dec. 28
Theft by Shoplifting-Felony
A man stated that an employee at a convenience store had several transactions cancelled in her name. She was given money for store products, cancelled the products and pocketed the cash. The amount of money stolen was over $1,000. The employee was issued a warrant. The reporting officer was John Reinhart.
Simple Battery-Family Violence
A man stated that after serving his daughter’s boyfriend an eviction notice, the daughter became very upset and started cursing at him. She hit him in the face several times during the altercation. The daughter admitted to the incident, and she was swiftly arrested. The boyfriend later collected his belongings and left the residence. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Dec. 29
Driving while License Withdrawn
A woman was spotted driving down the road with a suspended license for failure to appear. She was placed under arrest, and a licensed driver was contacted to collect the vehicle. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
Criminal Trespass
A man stated that someone had been flattening the tires on his employees’ cars and his fleet of vehicles. He was unsure of who was responsible for the attacks. No one could be located near the property. The reporting officer was Bobby McCloud.
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Driving while License Withdrawn; Safety Belt Violation for 18 Years of Age and Older; Possession of Open Alcohol Container; Failure to Maintain Lane
An unknown informant stated that a vehicle had crashed into a ditch. The driver instantly admitted to being drunk and asked to be taken to jail. He also said that he had not been wearing his seat belt and that he had several open containers. A background check revealed that his license was suspended for a DUI. He agreed to take a blood test and was placed under arrest. A local wrecker was contacted to collect the vehicle. The reporting officer was James Thompson.
Dec. 30
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that his wife got irritated with him because she felt like he was not paying enough attention to her at a party. She left the party despite him advising her against doing so since she had been drinking. Police could not get in touch with the wife. The reporting officer was James Ashley Denney.
Disorderly Conduct
A woman stated that her roommate’s boyfriend hit her in the face during an argument. It was noted that the woman was very aggressive and intoxicated. She was later detained because she approached her father in an aggressive manner. The boyfriend confirmed that there was an altercation over toilet paper but said that the woman was the one who hit him. The woman was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was William West.
Simple Battery
A man stated that he was planning on moving out of his house after getting into a fight with his wife. He had previously called two of his friends to help him move, and while they were there, the wife returned home and got into a fight with one of the friends. The man separated them, and the wife went into the residence. Both friends supported this story. The man’s son also said that he witnessed it. The man was advised to leave the property. The reporting officer was Caleb Grovenstein.
Dec. 31
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that he and his wife got into an argument while on their way home from a bar. They calmed down once they got home, but they started arguing again later that evening. The wife proceeded to scratch the man’s face after he made negative comments about her sexual performance. The wife claimed that the man physically touched her during the fight. Both parties agreed to separate for the night. The reporting officer was Justin Hynko.
Traffic Complaint/Violation
A woman was spotted driving down the road with her bright headlights on and with duct tape on the window. It was noted that her vehicle smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages. She stated that she was on her way to pick up a friend who had been drinking and that she did not have her driver’s license. She also admitted to having two beers earlier in the day. She agreed to a field sobriety test which she failed. She was placed under arrest and her vehicle was released to a licensed driver. The reporting officer was David Cribbs.
Jan. 1
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Failure to Maintain Lane
A woman was seen crossing the fog line twice while driving down the road. It was noted that she smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages, although she denied being intoxicated and claimed that she had an anxiety attack. She failed a field sobriety test and was arrested. Her vehicle was released to a licensed driver. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Possession of a Schedule I Controlled Substance; Giving False Name, Address or Birthdate to Law Enforcement; Escape-Felony
A man advised that several people were at a residence that was supposed to be vacant. They were all located in a car on the property. The front seat passenger stated that they were looking to see if the owners wanted to rent the residence. It was noted that the inside of the vehicle smelled of marijuana, but all its occupants denied its presence in the vehicle. The driver was detained for lying about his name. Upon further inspection of the vehicle, a container of ecstasy was discovered in the floor board. The driver said that the container was not his, but he proceeded to run after being asked. He was tackled to the ground and placed under arrest. All the vehicle’s passengers were released from the scene. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.