Jan. 16
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Drugs; Fail to Report Striking Fixed Object; Failure to Report Accident with Injury/Damage; Disorderly Conduct
An unknown informant advised that a hit and run had occurred. The man responsible was spotted driving down the road and was pulled over in his driveway. He admitted to hitting a mobile home but said that he left the scene because he felt the damage was not bad. It was noted that he appeared to be under the influence of some type of drug. The owner of the mobile home later said that she was injured during the accident, but she refused medical treatment. The man admitted to taking prescription painkillers earlier in the day. He then began to threaten officers and was placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Criminal Trespass
A clerk stated that a customer had become very disorderly with him before leaving the store. They were arguing over the store’s return policy when the man pulled out a handgun and left. The man claimed that it was the clerk who instigated the argument. He agreed not to return to the store. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Suspicious Person
A woman stated that a friend was at her house when her doorbell rang. When she looked outside, she saw a man running back to his vehicle. The man had previously gone to the house claiming to be from DFACS, although he never showed a badge. He was always looking for a woman who did not live at the residence. The man could not be located. The reporting officer was Justin Hynko.
Jan. 17
Simple Assault-Family Violence
A man stated that his husband pulled a knife on him before leaving the scene. The husband admitted to pulling a knife on the man during an argument but denied threating him. The husband agreed to leave the scene and stay at a friend’s house. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.
Jan. 19
Driving Without a Valid License (Misdemeanor); Failure to Obey Stop Sign
A woman was seen driving through a stop sign without stopping. She quickly admitted to not having a valid driver’s license and was swiftly placed under arrest. The reporting officer was William West.
Burglary-First Degree (Felony); No Insurance; Driving while License Suspended or Revoked
A man stated that his brother, who was in rehab, broke into his house and stole several items. The missing items included a pack of cigarettes, two cell phones and several prescription drugs. The man said that his brother had stolen from him in the past while he was staying at his residence. The front door appeared to have several pry marks on it. One of the phones was later found in the man’s driveway. A neighbor came forward and admitted that he had previously assisted a person on a motorcycle who claimed to be the man’s brother. The neighbor noted that the brother had a full backpack. The brother later returned to the scene and admitted to stealing the items. It was discovered that the motorcycle was uninsured, and the brother was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.
Burglary-Second Degree (Felony)
A man stated that the electrical lines on his boat motor had been cut. He also said that it appeared that someone was staying in one of his sheds. The shed contained two mason jars with food inside of them and a cell phone that was charging on the wall. It also appeared that someone was attempting to heat up food at a stove. No one was found in the immediate area. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
Jan. 20
Fire; Disorderly Conduct
A man advised that he was burning some yard clippings when the fire got away from him. He began to argue with his sister in front of police about starting the fire, but he eventually calmed down. A neighbor advised that one of his goats was scared so badly by the fire that it went into premature labor, which caused the death of the baby. At several points throughout the incident, the man fought and shouted profanities at his landlord and his grandmother. He was eventually placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
A man stated that he started a small fire in his yard that got out of control. The fire spread to two other nearby yards before it was put out. No one was injured. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
Battery-Family Violence (First Offence) Misdemeanor
A woman stated that her granddaughter was arguing with her boyfriend and throwing things about the bedroom. When she confronted her granddaughter, they began to fight and were told to take it outside by the granddaughter’s uncle. The granddaughter and the uncle started to argue, which resulted in some of the uncle’s hair being torn out and a picture frame being broken. The uncle supported this story, but the granddaughter claimed that the uncle attacked her while she was arguing with her boyfriend. She was ultimately placed under arrest. The reporting officer was John Reinhart.
Theft by Shoplifting-Misdemeanor
An employee of a convenience store advised that a woman had stolen from the store where she worked. The woman denied stealing any items but security camera footage proved that she did. The items were found in her vehicle, and she was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was John Preston Morris.
Jan. 21
Criminal Trespass-Property Damage
A woman stated that she had gotten into a verbal argument with her husband over him wanting to take a shower. She noted that her became very agitated whenever he was intoxicated. She decided to leave the residence with her minor children and, as she was doing so, the husband bent her car door back, which caused some damage. She further said that when she returned, he had broken several items, including a night table. The husband admitted to breaking the items and was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Kathy Dillard.
Terroristic Threats and/or Acts; Obstructing or Hindering Persons Making Emergency Contact
A woman stated that she had gotten into an argument with her daughter-in-law because the daughter-in-law believed that the woman had called child protection services on her. During the argument, the daughter-in-law disconnected the woman’s phone and threatened to kill her if she called police. The woman went to a neighbor’s house to escape the violence. The daughter-in-law admitted to the claims and was placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Matt Smith.
Aggravated Assault
A man stated that during an argument with his girlfriend, she stabbed him with a knife and fled the scene. His daughters bandaged his wounds after she left. She later returned and threw a bottle of bleach at him. He noted that she was very intoxicated due to drinking beer throughout the day. He refused treatment by emergency medical services. Several broken fragments and bleach stains were found throughout the bedroom. The girlfriend denied stabbing the man and claimed that he was the one who threw the bleach at her. She admitted to being drunk and also noted that the man and his daughters burned several of her personal belongings while she was gone. The man later admitted to this. A young woman approached the residence and claimed to have witnessed the event. She confirmed that the girlfriend stabbed the man, and the knife was eventually found in her purse. The girlfriend was later placed under arrest. The reporting officer was John Reinhart.
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
A man stated that he crashed his vehicle into a ditch while trying to avoid a deer. He admitted to not wearing his seat belt and it was noted that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages. He refused any medical treatment. While being questioned, he denied having consumed any alcoholic beverages. However, he failed a field sobriety test and was placed under arrest. His vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.