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Effingham County Sheriff's Office reports July 11
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July 1

Possession and Use of Drug Related Objects

A man stated that he walked into his daughter’s room to discover the daughter huffing an aerosol can. The daughter openly admitted to huffing the dust remover to relieve her depression and also noted that she was on probation. She was swiftly arrested shortly afterwards. The reporting officer was Matthew Davis.

Simple Battery- Family Violence

A man stated that he accidently hit his wife on the nose while slamming the door which caused it to become bloody. He said that he was leaving the residence at the time because his wife was drunk, and he was tired of her irate actions. Both parties agreed to work out the incident amongst themselves. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.

Disorderly Conduct
Wanted Person- Warrant Service

A woman was spotted hiding in the bushes on the side of the road and calling for help. Her clothing had been torn, and she was bleeding from an open cut on her left palm. It was also noted that she smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages. She said that she had been assaulted by a man, but she would not explain the circumstances or their relationship. When the man was located, he claimed that he had let the woman stay at his house because her power had been cut. When he woke up after a nap, she had cut her hand open, smeared it on the door of the bedroom, and was demanding sex. He also said that she was known to practice witchcraft and that she was probably trying to place a curse on him. The man’s friend supported this story. A background check later revealed that the man had an active warrant, and he was soon placed under arrest. The woman was taken to a local hospital for treatment. It is unknown if the curse was related to the man’s warrant. The reporting officer was Matthew Davis.

Domestic Dispute

A couple advised that while they were arguing on the side of the road over their marriage, their car slid into a ditch. They noted that neither party had become physical. Both parties agreed to separate for the time being and a passerby later pulled the vehicle out of the ditch. The reporting officer was Matthew Davis.

June 30

Criminal Damage to Property- Second Degree

A man stated that someone had blown up his mailbox for no apparent reason. After hearing a loud explosion, he went outside to find the mailbox in several pieces and detached from its post. Fireworks appeared to be what was used in the incident. The man was unsure of who was behind the act. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.

Terroristic Threats and/or Acts

A man was seen traveling at A man and his father advised that the man’s uncle had been making threats against the father. The father noted that he was forced to shoot the uncle several years prior due to an unspecified event. The uncle’s threats were made even more suspicious due to the fact the man’s grandmother had recently passed away and because the uncle had forbidden the father from attending the funeral. It was noted that both the man and the father were under the influence and that they had not personally heard the threats. The uncle could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was Bryan Shearouse.

Driving while License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)
Seat Belt Violation

A man was seen driving down the road with no seat belt and in a vehicle with expired registration. A background check revealed that his license was suspended and that he had a warrant out for his arrest. He was arrested, and his vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Matthew Davis.

June 29

Domestic Dispute
Warrant Service

A man stated that his neighbors, who were a couple, had been involved in a dispute. The male half said that he had been in an argument with his girlfriend over money but that it had not been physical. The girlfriend also confirmed this series of events. A background check later revealed that the girlfriend had several active warrants, and she was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Bryan Shearouse.

Purchase, Possession, Manufacture, Distribution or Sale of Drugs
Manufacture/Deliver/Distribute/Administer/Sell/Possess Wild Synthetic Drugs
Wanted Person- Warrant Service

A man stated that a woman was being disorderly at a local store. The woman, however, claimed that the man was simply upset with the fact that she had a knife. It was later discovered that she had an active warrant and marijuana in her possession. She also had two pipes, 34 different room key cards and methamphetamine with her. She was arrested a short time later. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.

Theft by Deception- Felony

A woman advised that over the course or a week, she sent 16 money orders valued at over $15,000 to an out-of-state address in order to claim a sweepstakes prize. After more money was requested, the woman became suspicious and contacted police, whereupon she was informed that she had been scammed. She was unsure as to whom the scammer could have been. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.

Criminal Trespass- Property Damage

Two men stated that someone had used a truck to knock over their mailboxes. The driver apologized and said that he accidently fell asleep while driving home. He also agreed to replace both mailboxes. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.


Gas station staff stated that a woman went into the store with a bloody face and asked to use the phone. She said that she did not want police involved because an unknown man would beat her again. The man later showed up at the store before police arrived but was turned away. The woman refused to provide any information, and she left the convenience store a short time later. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.

Theft by Taking- Felony
A woman stated that her ex-boyfriend stole her vehicle after the two got into an argument. She had previously taken the license plate off to prevent him from stealing it, but he did so anyway. She did manage to contact him after the fact, but he refused to return the vehicle. The ex-boyfriend could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.

Taillight Requirements
Driving Without a Valid License (Misdemeanor)

A man was spotted driving down the road with no taillights and a suspended license. He was placed under arrest, and his vehicle was turned over to a licensed driver. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.

Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance
Drugs not in Original Container- Misdemeanor

A woman was seen driving in an erratic fashion on the road with a male passenger. The woman stated that her driving was due to the fact that she had dropped her cell phone, and she did not appear to be under the influence. A search of the vehicle, however, yielded a pill bottle with the label torn off and drugs that did not match the prescription. The woman proceeded to claim that the pills were for that man and that the label had come off due to water exposure. She was placed under arrest, and the man was released from the scene with the vehicle. The reporting officer was Matthew Davis.

June 28

Financial Transaction Card Fraud

A woman advised that she hired a man to pave a walkway and build a deck within a six-week timeframe. She initially gave him three of her credit cards, so he could buy supplies, but she eventually took them back because of his poor performance and his misuse of the cards. He had made several unauthorized charges which totaled at over $400. The man could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was Matthew Holbrook.

Driving while License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)
Wanted Person- Warrant Service

A man was spotted driving down the road on a motorcycle with no registration plate. He stated that he did not have a driver’s license, since, as he put it, he was not required to have one on a scooter. He was swiftly arrested after a background check revealed that his license was suspended and that he had an active warrant. His “scooter” was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Jason Fondren.

Obstructing or Hindering Law Enforcement Officers
Disorderly Conduct
Public Drunkenness

A man stated that his friend and his neighbor had been involved in an altercation before the friend ran away upon learning that police were in route. After a short chase, the friend was placed under arrest. It was noted that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages and that he had blood on his mouth, head and leg. He claimed that the injuries had come from law enforcement. His girlfriend, however, said that the injuries resulted from him trying to find her. He had wanted to have intercourse with her, but she refused and hid from him. He then went to the neighbor and the man’s house where he proceeded to get the injuries. The friend was treated by emergency medical services before going to jail. The reporting officer was Isaac Taylor.

Obstructing or Hindering Law Enforcement Officers
DUI- Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
Driving while License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)

A man advised that he believed that a woman in a gas station parking was under the influence. The woman said that she was simply getting air for her tires and also noted that she had lost her driver’s license. A background check revealed that her license was suspended for failure to appear, and she was swiftly arrested after a brief struggle. Her brother arrived on the scene to collect her vehicle. The reporting officer was Justin Hynko.

June 27

Criminal Trespass

A man advised that he was asking customers at a gas station for a ride when an employee asked him to leave. The employee added that that man proceeded to become irate and threaten to slap her. The man was advised to not return to the store. The reporting officer was Robert Elliott Petitt.

June 26

Dogs, Cats or Livestock Running at Large Prohibited

A man stated that after he fed a stray dog, it proceeded to bite his own dog on the snout which caused a minor injury. He was unsure if the stray had an owner, and it was later taken to a local animal shelter. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.

June 25

Wanted Person- Warrant Service
A woman was seen driving down the road in a vehicle that had a suspended registration. She stated that she had just purchased the vehicle and that she had not yet changed the registration. A background check revealed that she had an active warrant, and she was swiftly placed under arrest. Her vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Jason Fondren.

Theft by Taking- Misdemeanor ($501-$1500)

A woman stated that her former tenant had stolen her husband’s computer after she kicked the tenant out of the house. She noted that the tenant is known for breaking into homes and vehicles. When she confronted him about the matter, he claimed that he did not know what she was talking about. The tenant could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was James Ashley Denney.