October 20
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that he got into an argument with his wife because she yelled at his son for no reason. The wife countered this by saying that she felt threatened which lead her to locking herself in the bathroom and calling authorities. The man then stated that he would leave for the rest of the day to keep the peace, but the wife advised that she wanted him out permanently. All parties remained civil. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
October 21
Theft by Deception-Misdemeanor
A woman advised that she had received a phone call from the sheriff’s office telling her that she had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear. She was asked to load two green dot cards with $500 each and read off the card numbers to the caller. She was then tasked with going to the sheriff’s office to scan the cards. She was later informed that she had been scammed. The reporting officer was Caleb Grovenstein.
October 21
Theft by Taking
A woman stated that her ex-boyfriend stole her jewelry and pawned it. She was told by a friend about the transaction. She was able to provide a description of the items. The reporting officer was Garett Buckles.
October 21
Injured Person
A woman stated that she went to pick up her friend due to the latter being intoxicated. When the woman was driving around a bend, the friend opened to car door and fell out, suffering multiple injuries in the process. She also began to fall in and out of consciousness. She was taken to a local hospital for treatment. The reporting officer was Garett Buckles.
October 21
Burglary-First Degree (Felony); Burglary-Second Degree (Felony)
A man stated that his house had been broken into sometime while he was away. The back door was ajar, and it appeared to have been kicked in. It seemed as if all his belongings had been rummaged through. Other buildings on the property, such as storage buildings and a camper, had been broken into. Nothing was found to be stolen. The reporting officer was Bobby McCloud.
October 22
Suspicious Person Wanted Person-Warrant Service
A woman stated that there was a suspicious vehicle parked at a local gas station. When the driver was approached, he advised that someone had stolen his debit card out of his wallet. A background check revealed that he had an outstanding warrant for probation violations, and he was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Garett Buckles.
October 22
Traffic Compliant/Violation
A woman was spotted driving with a license that had been suspended for failure to appear. She claimed that she did not know if she had missed any court dates. The suspension was confirmed, and she was placed under arrest. She contacted someone to remove the vehicle. The reporting officer was David Cribbs.
October 18
Theft by Taking-Misdemeanor ($500 or Less)
A man stated that several items had gone missing from his shop. The items were not actual merchandise but instead personal items that he kept in the shop’s back room. They included a coin collection and confederate memorabilia. The reporting officer was Matt Smith.
October 19
No Insurance; Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor); Wanted Person-Warrant Service; Brake Light/Turn Signal Violation
A man was seen driving down the road in a vehicle with brake lights that did not work. A background check revealed that he did not have valid insurance in the state of Georgia. He stated that his insurance had been canceled the day before and that he was on his way to pay it. An additional background check revealed that he had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear. He was swiftly placed under arrest, and a wrecker service was called to collect the vehicle. The reporting officer was Deandre Loucks.
October 19
Wanted Person-Warrant Service; Obstruction to Law Enforcement (Misdemeanor)
A woman advised that she had come home to find her son hiding in a bedroom. They got into an argument, but he left the house soon after it ensued. She noted that everything was fine, and a report was not needed. The area was searched due to the son having several warrants. He was found hiding in a nearby location. The reporting officer was Loren Richard Scholes.
October 19
Simple Battery-Family Violence; Criminal Trespass
A man stated that he was at work when his girlfriend called him and told him to come home early as she needed to go to the hospital. She had previously had a drug problem, and that treatment was related to the abuse. The next day, the man was watching television when he moved a pillow to discover several drug related objects. He confronted his girlfriend about this and pushed her into a wall in the process. He also threw the drugs into the trash. The girlfriend then proceeded to leave the residence. While she was gone, the man burned all her makeup and feminine products. He also sent pictures to her of the products being burned. The drugs were later collected and destroyed. The girlfriend also gave her account of the story, and the man was placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
October 19
Criminal Trespass
A man stated that he had been receiving text messages from the husband of the woman he works with threatening to beat him. He had been dating a friend of the woman, but the husband was convinced that he was seeing his wife. The man attempted to tell the husband that the accusations were untrue, but he did not believe him, and he proceeded to threaten him with a baseball bat. The husband could not be located. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
October 20
Theft by Taking-Misdemeanor ($500 or Less)
A man stated that several boxes had been thrown on the side of the road at some unknown time. They appeared to have previously contained copper tubing. There were eleven in total, and they were collected for further investigation. The reporting officer was Bryan Shearouse.
October 20
Wanted Person-Warrant Service
A woman stated that her husband had been calling her on random occasions. She had a protective order against him and wanted him to stop. The next day, the husband was located at the county courthouse. His identification was verified, and he was swiftly placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Bryan Shearouse.
October 21
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that his wife got drunk while attending a birthday party. When she got home, the two began to argue over a motorcycle that he had recently purchased. He agreed to leave and stay at a relative’s house to avoid any more conflict. The wife then claimed that he pushed her up against a wall, but this could not be proven. The reporting officer was Garett Buckles.
October 21
Impersonating a Police Officer
A man stated that he received a phone call from a caller who claimed to be a police officer saying that he had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear. The caller said that he had to send in $1,000 to avoid being arrested. The man went to the sheriff’s office to investigate the matter where he was informed that the call was a scam. The recorder phone call was used as evidence in the investigation. The reporting officer was Bryan Shearouse.
October 18
Possession of a Schedule I or II Controlled Substance Possession and Use of Drug Related
Objects An unknown informant stated that a vehicle had been parked in front of a house for several days. It had two flat tires on the driver’s side, and the owner had a warrant out for his arrest. At the same time, the owner and a female pulled up to the car in a different vehicle. He pulled a jack out of the trunk to change the tires on the abandoned car. When he was informed of the warrant, he took multiple items out of his pockets and put them back into the car. He was detained, and several illegal objects were found in the car including an open container, pocket knife, and methamphetamine. The items were removed from the scene, and he was placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Matt Smith.
October 17
Failure to Report Striking Fixed Object; Failure to Report Accident with Injury/Damage
A vehicle was discovered with extensive bumper and tire damage. It was locked, and the owner could not be located. Later the next day, a man stated that his mailbox had been destroyed. It was observed that the damage to the mailbox was consistent with the damage to the vehicle which was less than a mile away. A wrecker was later contacted to collect the vehicle. The owner later said that he hit the mailbox while swerving to avoid a deer. He was arrested due to his inconsistent story. The reporting officer was Matt Smith.
October 18
Driving While License Suspended or Revoked; Failure to Have License on Person
A man who had been in an accident stated that he did not have his license on his person at that time. A woman on the scene advised that it was her fault as she had rear ended him. A background check on the man revealed that his license was suspended, and he was placed under arrest. His boss was called to pick up the vehicle. The woman was released from the scene. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
October 18
Disorderly Conduct; Obstructing or Hindering Law Enforcement Officers; Terroristic Threats and/or Acts
A man stated that a woman had contacted him to inform him that her fiancé was kicking her out of his house. When officers arrived on scene, the fiancé attempted to flee by locking them out. When they caught him, he resisted arrest for several minutes before being subdued. On his way to the station, he continually yelled obscenities at officers and threatened to kill them. It became clear that he was in an intoxicated state. He was placed in a safety cell for his own protection, and he kicked officers as they attempted to remove his shoes. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
October 18
Harassing Communications
A woman stated that her estranged husband had been threatening her in a variety of ways. These included filing false complaints against her, calling her at inconvenient times, and texting her derogatory messages. She was afraid that he would discover her current location and come to her house to physically attack her. The reporting officer was Terry Gideon.
October 18
Simple Assault
A woman stated that her son and her son-in-law had gotten into a major argument. The two men were separated, and the primary aggressor was detained. The smell of marijuana was detected on him and a small amount of the substance was later identified. He began to resist and threaten to run away to which he was placed in tighter restraints. He was placed under arrest, and he continued to yell profanity as he was being transported to jail. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
October 18
Domestic Dispute
A woman stated that she had been arguing with her boyfriend over bills. He was not on the scene at the time due to him having been previously picked up by his mother. She said that she wanted him out of her residence permanently. It was noted that she had the smell of alcoholic beverages on her. The reporting officer was Dawn DeVoss.
October 16
Animal Compliant
A woman advised that two of her neighbor’s dogs had broken out of their pen and killed her cat. She managed to get the dog back into its pen with the help of another neighbor. The owner later said that the dogs got out that morning when he was on his way to work. He was unable to get them back into their pen at the time, so he instead left the pen open to allow them to go back in. He was issued a citation over the matter. The reporting officer was Tommy Williams.
October 18
A large amount of smoke was seen emitting from the roof of a local Mexican restaurant. The building was also full of smoke, so the fire department was contacted. They located the source of the fire and extinguished it. The owner was contacted and informed of the situation. The reporting officer was Garett Buckles.
October 17
Theft by Taking-Felony
A woman stated that her vehicle had been stolen from her house by an unknown person. She advised that she had left the key in the center console before leaving for several days. She noted that the payments were up to date, so it should not have been repossessed. Footprints were found in the area that were not previously there. The reporting officer was Jason Garland.