The Effingham Gateway Academy is a program where students earn their high school diploma and earn college credits. Effingham Gateway Academy is accepting applications for spring term 2009.
Feb. 24, is the final information session.
The session lasts from 3-5 p.m. Register today to learn more about this opportunity and begin your first steps in the application process. To register call (912) 443-5777 or email
Classes begin April 1. The Gateway Academy may be an option for you if you are between 16 and 20, a resident of Effingham County, behind in high school credits for your age and grade, have dropped out of high school, or have a situation that prevents you from attending school during regular school hours.
Effingham Gateway Academy is a charter high school that works with Effingham County to graduate youth 16–20 years old. Students who participate in this school will earn a high school diploma and college credits. Tuition is free, and class schedules are flexible. For more information call 754-2888 or (912) 443-5777.