The Rincon Elementary School PTA met on Nov. 4 in the school cafeteria. Many families were present to participate in the business meeting and to watch their children perform in a PE “Tailgate Party.” The students wore their favorite sports shirt or outfits as they performed various exercises and sport routines.
It was announced that Gov. Sonny Perdue has proclaimed November “Parent Engagement Month,” and parents were encouraged to become actively involved in the pursuit of an excellent education for their children. Handouts were distributed giving information about various ways parents can become involved in their children’s success in school.
Also, they were given an opportunity to share their best “Get Involved” moment by writing a positive experience at school. Below is a short summary of the parents’ responses.
“My grandson won top seller in the cookie dough fundraiser at RES. He is a bright child and strives to do his best. I helped him with his sales, and the joy and excitement on his face when he won was priceless! It was not only a fun experience, but it taught him to work hard and his goals would be reached. I am glad I had the opportunity to help him. It was a memorable experience that I will never forget.” — Angie Griffin, grandparent
“My best involved activity was during a 3rd grade ‘edible’ rock activity. The students made the rocks they had been studying out of crackers, Cheese Whiz, and Starbursts. The kids, including my son, had a blast and reinforced what they learned in class. I learned a lot, too!” — Linda Burns, parent and teacher at RES
“I am happy to see that we have a support group for families with children that have disabilities. It is going to be a positive thing for families to be able to seek advice, education and assistance, as well as great emotional support.” —Heather Gay, parent