Effingham County High School senior Rebecca Rawski won the Rotary Club’s annual speech contest Thursday.
Rawski, along with three other students, gave speeches Amanda Starling, Megan Jerome and Michaela Lariscy also spoke for Rotary members. Each student presented a speech following the theme “Rotary Shares.”
Rawski began her speech with a quote from Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
“This year’s theme emphasis was the many ways we can share our services through our schools, community and internationally,” Rawski said. “As vice president of the Interact club at ECHS, I am inspired by other Rotarians such as yourselves for ideas for service projects.”
Rawski told the members about the fulfillment of working with Special Olympics and the annual Thanksgiving food drive and donations for families at during the Christmas season.
“Our Interact club could not serve our community if it weren’t for Rotarians like yourself to serve as role models,” she said.
She said when all of the Rotary Clubs work together, they can change the world.