Kelly Tankersley, a special education teacher at Sand Hill Elementary School, launched a new venture this month with the help of her students and paraprofessionals, Julie Mundy and Ashley Scholl called “Greet-N-Treat.”
After her daily car duty and seeing numerous dogs come through the car line in the mornings, Tankersley came up with the idea to give out doggie treats just like the bank.
She took this idea a step further and decided to make it a class project. Her students, as part of their curriculum, bake the doggie treats each week cutting them in shapes of bones and cars. After the treats have been created, they bag them and decorate the bag with student created drawings and stickers.
Each bag is lovingly made by a student in Tankersley’s class. Each day the students have an opportunity to have their name added to a weekly drawing. This is based on classroom achievement and good behavior. If their name is pulled, they get the honor of passing out the treats that week.
So, braving the cold, the chosen student and Tankersley pass out the treats to each four legged friend who comes through the car line. The first week they had 16 dogs come through the line, and this week it grew to 26.
It is not only special for Tankersley’s students, but every child in the car line’s face lights up and they swell with pride to see their dog getting attention.