SAVANNAH — Beginning April 1, the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management (HRT) Department at Savannah Technical College will offer a new Technical Certificate of Credit, Hospitality Customer Service Provider.
The 10-week cohort program was designed with assistance from the Savannah Tourism Leadership Council and other hospitality industry leaders. It will emphasize business etiquette and communication through classroom instruction and on-the-job-training; Spanish for the Hospitality Industry will also be taught as part of the 18 credit-hour curriculum.
Students will be selected through a competitive admissions process to include an interview by Savannah Tech faculty and industry leaders. Upon successful completion of the program, students are guaranteed interviews for positions with top hospitality employers.
“Savannah’s tourism and hospitality industry provides tremendous opportunities for motivated individuals to have thriving successful careers right here in Savannah,” said Marti Barrow, executive director of the Savannah Area Tourism Leadership Council. “Students graduating from this program will have such a great foundation for beginning a career path in this industry which supports over 20,000 jobs locally.”
Anyone interested in enrolling is encouraged to immediately begin the application process for Savannah Technical College. A separate application for the Hospitality Customer Service Provider program must then be obtained and submitted; interviews will begin in early March.
For more information or to obtain the second application, please contact James Mountcastle, instructor for the HRT program, at or (912) 443-5083.