SAVANNAH — Savannah Technical College will close for business and furlough employees this fall in keeping with Gov. Sonny Perdue’s directive that state agencies implement budget saving measures. The college will be closed on Sept. 4, Nov. 25 and Dec. 23.
“As a state agency, we are doing our part to address the state’s budget woes,” said STC President Kathy S. Love. “Our primary concern is that we minimize the impact on instruction as much as possible.”
Only one date (Nov. 25) is a scheduled instructional day and faculty will issue out-of-class assignments as appropriate for that day.
The furloughs are expected to save more than $104,000 from a budget that will continue to be cautiously managed. Savannah Technical College has been told to expect another 4 percent cut and is planning for cuts of 6 percent and 8 percent this fiscal year; last year’s budget cuts represented a $1.7 million loss in state funding. Despite the budget reductions, Savannah Technical College set an enrollment record this spring with 4,635 students attending, up from 16.3 percent from the previous year.