SAVANNAH — This Wednesday, when students come to register for fall quarter classes at the Savannah Technical College Effingham Campus, they will have the opportunity to learn about training monies available through the Department of Labor. DOL staff will be on hand to distribute information and answer questions.
This November, DOL will hold Information Sessions on Nov. 7-8 at the Effingham Campus as follows:
• Nov. 7 — 9-10 a.m.; 1-2 p.m.
• Nov. 8 — 5:30–6:30 p.m.
The Effingham Campus of Savannah Technical College is on Highway 21 between Springfield and Rincon, next to the Georgia State Patrol. These information sessions are free and open to the general public.
For information about DOL training support, contact the DOL at (912) 356-2773.