With summer in full swing, Georgia beaches are top destinations for visitors and residents. Tybee Island beachgoers will have the opportunity to learn more about the natural wonders of the beach when the Georgia DNR’s Coastal Ark makes a stop at the Tybee Island Marine Science Center on July 2 in celebration of the 8th Annual Beach Week event.
Staff from the Georgia DNR/Coastal Resources Division and other coastal organizations will be available at the parking lot of the Marine Science Center from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. to answer questions and talk with beachgoers.
The Coastal Ark, CRD’s 30-foot mobile educational unit, will showcase activities, information and materials covering a wide array of subjects including beach water quality, sand dollar stewardship and important marine fisheries. The highlight of Beach Week this year will be the live displays and their connection to coastal Georgia.
Joining the Coastal Ark on Tybee will be staff from Georgia DNR’s Coastal Resources Division and Wildlife Resources Division/Law Enforcement, Burton 4-H Center on Tybee, Tybee Island Marine Science Center, US Coast Guard Auxiliary and Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield Fish and Wildlife Branch.
For more information about Beach Week 2013 activities contact Jill Andrews, DNR/Coastal Resources Division, at (912) 264-7218.