During research on the new microfilm reader at Effingham Museum, I stumbled upon an article entitled "To Have A Fair" in the Feb. 14, 1918 copy of the Springfield Herald. Since the county fair begins next week I share this with you. A few things are not legible and are noted. It reads as follows:
"Some time ago steps were taken toward organizing a Fair Association for Effingham County, and it seemed to meet the approval of the citizens of the county so well that further steps were taken. A meeting was called to be held in the Court House in Springfield on Monday the 11th of February and a number of citizens met.
"Mr. C.W. Reiser was elected temporary chairman and Mr. J.M. Gnann secretary. Mr. Reiser stated the object of the meeting and a resolution was passed that we organize a fair association known as the Effingham County Agricultural and Cooperative Fair Association. A subscription list was opened which resulted in the enrollment of 21 names with a subscription of $62.50. This with the lists that had already been taken makes a membership of 84 with a subscription of $100 (appears to be 100 but smeared).
"Right here I will state what it takes to become a member. One dollar or as much as you will give. We have several who have subscribed $10 each and a good many that subscribed $5. We want every citizen of the county to come in with us to make a success of the undertaking.
"The following is the committee appointed to solicit subscriptions: from the 8th district, A.B. Kessler and W.B. Dasher; 10th district, E. Bird and M. Edwards; 11th district A.B. Kieffer and W.C. Reiser; (not legible) district T.A. Dutton and B.E. Mingledorff and (not legible) district, J.W. Hinely and C.E. Tuttle. See one of these men and give them your name and subscription. The ladies are invited, too. We already have a good number of ladies and we want them represented.
"The next meeting will be held in the Court House in Springfield on the first Tuesday in March at 10 a.m. to hear reports from committees and compile the organization. Come out and be with us. J.M. Gnann, Secretary"
This was written by Susan Exley of Historic Effingham Society. If you have photos, comments or information to share, contact her at 754-6681 or hesheraldexley@aol.com.
Correction: A photo was incorrectly identified in last week’s Echoes. The caption read "the May 24, 1917 Springfield Herald has an ad for The Dixie Highway Ice Cream Parlor at the Busy Corner." It should have read "the April 17, 1922, issue of the Springfield Herald features Fisher and Walcher Motor Company in Rincon." The Herald regrets the error.