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The preacher who had too much fried chicken
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As Thanksgiving comes and goes, most of us will feast on turkey, ham and many other wonderful foods. But you can get too much of a good thing — even fried chicken.

Fried chicken is so popular at church meals in the South, that some people call it "gospel bird." But Dan Spencer from Thomasville, Georgia, tells about a preacher who had too much gospel bird.

I don’t know if this story is true or not, but it makes a good point.

This particular minister was preaching a week-long series of revival sermons. Each day, he was invited to eat at the home of a different member of the congregation.

And every day, they served the same thing — fried chicken. Most preachers like fried chicken, but not this man, which only made matters worse.

Finally, he came to the last meal of the week, and when he sat down to eat, he looked and saw in front of him the same dish: fried chicken.

The lady of the house asked the visiting preacher to ask God’s blessing on the meal, and this is what he prayed:

"Lord, I have it hot

and I’ve had it cold

I’ve had it young

and I’ve had it old

I’ve had it tender

and I’ve had it tough.

And thank you, Lord,

I’ve had enough!"

Sometimes we feel like that in life. Sometimes we just get to the point that we’ve had enough. We wonder if we can take any more of the troubles that life dishes out to us, such as financial problems, health problems and family problems. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed; even if it’s a good thing, we can get overloaded with work and busyness.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for us to stop and remember that in Jesus Christ, we can find peace when we’ve had enough.

As Christ said, "I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world" (John 16:33, HCSB).

So pass the chicken. I think I can take one more bite.

(Copyright 2012 by Bob Rogers. Email: Read this column each Friday in the Herald. Visit my blog at