Theaonica Joy Roberts of Beulah Chapter No. 116, Prince Hall Order of the Easter Star, Jurisdiction of Georgia was crowned District Queen on May 19 in Sylvania. Shirley Carlyle, District Worthy Matron, crowned her.
Mace Patrick serves as District Deputy Grand master.
Roberts and her chapter raised the highest amount of money for the Lillian E. Blake Scholarship Fund. The second place winner was Joanne Bell of New Aurora Chapter No. 60 and third place was Lucille Warren, past Worthy Matron of Morning Light Chapter No. 284.
Roberts serves as the star point Esther in her chapter. Mattie Fulcher is the Worthy Matron. Roberts will represent Millen District No. 16 at the grand session on June 20 in Augusta.
Last year a total of $150,000 was raised and scholarships were awarded to youth all over Georgia.