Military retirees and their families are invited to attend a town hall meeting in the Hunter Army Airfield post theater today at 6 p.m., to discuss open enrollment for health care at Tuttle Army Health Clinic.
The town hall will be hosted by the commander of the Fort Stewart Medical Activity, Col. Ronald J. Place, as well as Tuttle AHC Commander Col. Richard P. James. The forum will be a question and answer session with the audience to address questions and concerns regarding retiree enrollment at Tuttle AHC.
All military retirees and their families are invited to attend and participate. Military retirees receive health care services at Tuttle AHC, but new enrollments for military retirees and retiree family members stopped in 2009 due to space and staffing.
“We are welcoming back our retiree population because our health care organization has grown,” said James.
The post theater is located on Hunter Army Airfield directly behind the GeoVista Credit Union and across the street from the Post Exchange.