Effingham County Board of Education candidates agreed they would do what they could to avoid future teacher furloughs.
Mose Mock, who is running for the District 4 seat, and District 1 incumbent Eddie Tomberlin and challenger Nina Dasher answered questions and staked out their positions during a candidates’ forum Thursday night at the school board auditorium. James Dasher, the District 4 incumbent who is seeking re-election to his seat, was unable to attend because of health reasons.
Mock, who taught for 28 years, said the furloughs have had an impact on educators.
“It has affected morale,” he said, “and especially if you have a two-teacher family. To address it, it’s going to have be from the state down. We need to look at every possible way that we can belt-tighten so we can keep our teachers in the classroom.”
For the complete story, see Tuesday's edition of the Herald