April 15
Obstructing or Hindering Law Enforcement Officers; Fleeing or Attempting to Elude; DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)
A man stated that an unknown individual with a handgun was parked on his property. At first, the individual tried to drive away from police, but he eventually stopped and got out of his vehicle. He attempted to resist arrest and had to be taken to the ground to be secured. He claimed that he was looking for his wife who was cheating on him. A background check revealed that his driver’s license was suspended, and the handgun was later located in the vehicle. A local wrecker was contacted to collect the vehicle. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
Suspicious Person
A church group advised that an unknown man had been dropped off at their church. The man provided no details other than he could not return to the location that he had come from. A police officer was contacted who said that he dropped the man off at the church because he claimed to know its members. A female acquaintance was also contacted who said that the man resided at a senior citizen’s home and often wandered away. He was transported to a local hotel for the night. The reporting officer was Robert Elliott Petitt.
Wanted Person-Warrant Service
A man was spotted driving down the road with a large crack in his windshield. He stated that he was planning on getting it fixed but did not have the money at the time. A background check revealed that he had an active warrant for a probation violation. He was swiftly arrested, and his vehicle was released to a licensed driver. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
April 14
Entering Automobile or Other Motor Vehicle with Intent to Commit a Crime; Theft by Taking-Misdemeanor ($500 or Less)
A man stated that his two vehicles were ransacked sometime during the night. He was informed of the incident by his next-door neighbor. He noted that $100 in cash had been stolen from the vehicle. He was unsure of who could have committed the theft.
Reckless Driving
A man stated that a woman was following him down the road in her vehicle. The woman claimed that the man had cut her off with his vehicle, so she began to follow him. The man admitted to doing so but said that it was an accident. The woman was placed under arrest, and her vehicle was released to a licensed driver.
Arson-First Degree
A man stated that he had cut the grass on a piece of property and returned a half hour later to find a nearby boat on fire. He had noticed a gas can next to the boat when he was cutting the grass, but there had been no one else on the property at the time. The boat’s owner suspected that it had been caused by teenagers, but he had no evidence to support this.
Domestic Dispute
A woman advised that her mother had slapped her across the face after the two got into a verbal argument regarding the woman’s weight. The mother admitted to the slapping and said that she would not tolerate disrespect. Both parties were advised to avoid each other for the time being.
Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor); Child or Youth Restraint Not Used Properly
A woman was seen driving down the road with a suspended driver’s license. It was also noted that one of her children was not strapped into his child seat. She was arrested, and her children were released to her husband.
April 13
Domestic Dispute
A woman stated that she was being abused by her husband. She noted that he had not physically harmed, but she did not want to live with him anymore. She was advised to seek additional help.
April 11
Traffic Complaint/Violation; Driving Without a Valid License (Misdemeanor); Knowingly Driving Motor Vehicle on Suspended, Cancelled or Revoked License
A man was spotted driving down the road with suspended registration. He was later revealed to be unlicensed as well. He was swiftly arrested, and his vehicle was collected by a licensed driver with a valid license.
April 10
Habitual Violator; No Insurance
A man was seen driving down the road with extremely loud music and a suspended license. It was also discovered that the license plate belonged to a different vehicle and that there was marijuana in the vehicle. The man was later placed under arrest.
Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)
A man was spotted driving down the road with a suspended driver’s license. He admitted to not having a driver’s license, and he was placed under arrest. A search of the vehicle yielded nothing of noteworthy value.
April 9
Domestic Dispute
A woman advised that her male half had taken her cell phone and would not give it back. He also would not let her take her children to school. The man claimed that the woman was cheating on him, and he eventually gave the cell phone. He said that he would contact his brother to help him move out, and the woman said that she would leave until the situation calmed down.
Theft by Taking-Misdemeanor ($500 or Less)
A woman stated that a revolver had gone missing from her mother’s house. She noted that it was her father’s gun and that she did not want her parents associated with any crimes. She was unsure of who could have stolen the gun.
Disorderly Conduct; Obstructing or Hindering Law Enforcement Officers
A man stated that his neighbor’s pit-bull was running amuck. While speaking with police, the man was very irate, and he tried to run away for no apparent reason. He was taken to the ground and arrested.
Terroristic Threats and/or Acts
A man stated that an unknown person had threatened to slash his tires and egg his house on social media. He was unsure of who the person was or where they were located. He was advised to not contact them again.