May 21
Wanted Person-Warrant Service; Simple Battery
A man was seen driving down the road at a very high rate of speed. A background check of one of the man’s passengers revealed that he was wanted for a probation violation, and the passenger was arrested. The man later stated that he was driving away from a fight that he was having with a friend over a girl. During the fight, the man was hit with a baseball bat and received a bruise on his shoulder. The passenger confirmed this story, and the man was released from the scene. The reporting officer was William West.
Suspicious Incident
A woman advised that a white van had been pulling up to a bus stop on a regular basis and offering children candy. The owner of the van was questioned, but he denied having ever stopped neat the bus stop. The reporting officer was Robert Elliott Petitt.
Simple Battery-Family Violence
A woman stated that her boyfriend attempted to steal her necklace as he was packing up his belongings to leave. She managed to keep the necklace from him and started to throw his items out of her bedroom window. He then proceeded to attack her on her bed which left her with a small cut and a bruise. He only left the residence at the behest of the woman’s grandmother. The boyfriend, however, denied these accusations and said that he never touched the woman during the fight. The grandmother confirmed the woman’s story, and the boyfriend was swiftly placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.
May 22
Aggravated Assault
A woman stated that she was driving down the road when a car got behind her and rear ended her. When she got out to speak with him, he punched her in the chest and tried to drown her in a puddle of water. He also bit her on the arm and chest. The woman’s friend confirmed this story and provided the man’s wallet and phone which he had dropped. A background check revealed that the man had several active warrants out for his arrest. He could not be located, but his vehicle was found and towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
Theft by Taking-Felony
A man stated that someone stole his trailer which he uses for work. It was valued at over $5,000 and contained air guns, an air compressor and roofing tools. He was unsure as to who could have committed the theft. The reporting officer was Caleb Grovenstein.
DUI-Alcohol/Controlled Substance Present in Vehicle
A woman was spotted in a driveway in a vehicle that appeared to have been involved in a single vehicle crash. It was noted that her vehicle smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages, but she denied being intoxicated and claimed that she was deprived of sleep. After failing a field sobriety test, she was swiftly arrested. A search of her vehicle later revealed two small bags of methamphetamine and 14 unmarked pills. The vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.
May 23
Criminal Trespass
A man stated that a couple was asleep in a pickup truck on his property. The couple were awakened, and they apologized for falling asleep on the property. The man was unhappy with the decision not to arrest the couple, since he believed the two to be intoxicated, but a breath test proved otherwise. The reporting officer was Kathy Dillard.
Theft by Taking-Felony; Burglary- Second Degree (Felony)
A man advised that he returned from his job to discover that his motorcycle had gone missing. He noted that, while he did owe money on the bike, the company that he bought it from went bankrupt, so they were likely not the culprits. He was unsure as to who could have stolen it. The reporting officer was Bobby McCloud.
Criminal Trespass-Property Damage
A woman stated that she and her boyfriend got into an argument which resulted in the doorframe of the bathroom getting damaged. Both parties were injured, so no one was placed under arrest. They were advised to separate for the time being. The reporting officer was William West.
May 24
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Drugs; Possession of Methamphetamine
A man stated that, while he was driving, he looked down at his cell phone and rear ended another vehicle. It was noted that he appeared stimulated and he later admitted to having previously smoked methamphetamine. He agreed to provide a urine sample as he was being arrested. The reporting officer was Jason Fondren.
A man advised that one of his drivers took his dump truck to his house where it mysteriously caught fire in the front yard. No one was injured during the incident, but the man was unsure as to how the fire started. The reporting officer was Bobby McCloud.
May 25
Wanted Person-Warrant Service; Harassing Communications
A woman stated that her ex-boyfriend was threatening to damage her house. She also noted that he is a gang member and that he continually sent her threatening text messages as a means of contact. A background check of the ex-boyfriend revealed that he had a warrant out for his arrest. He agreed to meet with police and discuss the incident at a gas station where he was placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
May 26
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that he and his wife had gotten into an argument over their financial problems. During the argument, she hit him in the face and he responded by pushing her out of the way, and leaving the residence. He had a small cut on his lip with fresh blood on it. The wife claimed, however, that the man threatened to hit her and that she had to fight him off. She also said that PTSD was to blame for the man’s temper. It was noted that she was surrounded by empty beer cans, wine bottles, a glass pipe and a marijuana grinder. She later admitted to having consumed a small amount of both alcohol and marijuana. The man agreed to stay at a friend’s house for the rest of the night. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Driving Without License; Wanted Person- Warrant Service
A man was spotted driving down the road in a very reckless manner. It was noted that his eyes were very bloodshot and that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages. He denied being behind the wheel of the vehicle and accused the officer of being intoxicated. He also admitted to not having a driver’s license and refused to take a field sobriety test. A background check revealed that he had an active warrant out for his arrest, and he was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Felony); Failure to Maintain Lane; Wanted Person-Warrant Service
A man was spotted driving down the middle turning lane of the highway. A background check revealed that his license was suspended and that he had an active warrant for failure to appear. A search of his vehicle yielded several unmarked pills and a small amount of a crystal substance. He was swiftly arrested, and his vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was William West.
Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce; Brake Light/Turn Signal Violation
A woman was seen driving down the road with a broken tail light and marijuana in her lap. She admitted that the marijuana, and she was released with a citation. The reporting officer was John Preston Morris.
Battery-Family Violence (First Offense) Misdemeanor
A woman advised that a man slapped her and gave her a rug burn during an argument. She had visible injuries to her neck and elbow. The man admitted to this series of events but said that he only attacked the woman because she accused him of molesting his niece. He also claimed that the woman started the fight by pushing and kicking him. Because the man had no visible injuries, he was placed under arrest. The reporting officer was John Etzle.
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that he and his wife had gotten into an argument over issues with their landlord. During the argument, the man began to experience chest pains that were the result of being prescribed bad blood pressure medicine. He refused emergency medical services when they were offered to him. Both parties said that the fight never became physical, and the man agreed to stay at a friend’s house for the rest of the night. The reporting officer was Robert Elliott Petitt.
May 27
Battery-Family Violence (First Offense) Misdemeanor
A man advised that his wife began to hit him while the two were on their way home from a family gathering. During the argument, she drove back to the gathering where upon the wife’s family forced him to leave. They also broke his cell phone and refused to allow him to collect his belongings. It was noted that the man had visible injuries to his nose, eye, neck and lip. The wife claimed, however, that the man was under the influence of alcohol and that he was the one who got abusive. She also claimed that the man dropped his phone which is how it got damaged. It was noted that she had a bruise under her left eye which was not consistent with her story due to their seating positions in the vehicle. She was placed under arrest a short time later. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
A man was seen sleeping in his vehicle in the parking lot of a store. It was noted that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages. He failed a field sobriety test and was swiftly placed under arrest. His vehicle was turned over to a licensed friend. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.
Domestic Dispute
An unknown informant advised that a couple had gotten into a physical altercation during an argument. The couple stated, however, that, while the two had been arguing all day, nothing physical had taken place. Both parties agreed to separate for the rest of the night. The reporting officer was Matt Smith.
Theft by Taking-Felony; Runaway Child; Contributing to Delinquency of Minor-Misdemeanor; Driving Without License; Hit and Run- Duty of Driver to Stop at or Return to Scene of Accident; Too Fast for Conditions
A man stated that her daughter had stolen her mother’s vehicle and wrecked it in a ditch. The man’s sister had picked up the daughter and taken her to her mother’s house. The mother later said that on the same day, the daughter had invited a friend over without the mother’s permission. The daughter advised that she and the friend were on their way to an adult male’s house when the crash took place. The daughter was released back into the custody of her parents. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
A man stated that his vehicle went into a hydroplane and crashed into a ditch. It was noted that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages, but he denied being under the influence. After failing a field sobriety test, however, he admitted to being intoxicated and arrested. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Assist Motorist
A woman stated that her boat had flipped on a river and that she was hanging onto a rope in the water. She was eventually forced to let go, but she managed to make it to the river’s bank. She informed police that her mother was still stranded in the river. The mother was ultimately located and treated by emergency medical services. The reporting officer was Justin Hynko.
Damage to Property
A man stated that someone spray painted an obscenity on his vehicle. The word was located on the passenger side door. He suspected that the culprit was a man who he had previously gotten into an argument with, but he had no proof of this. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
Battery-Family Violence (First Offense) Misdemeanor
A man stated that he got into an altercation with his son-in-law over custody of the man’s grandson. The grandson’s mother had asked the man to not let the son-in-law take the child, and the son-in-law proceeded to exchange punches with the man. The son-in-law and the mother confirmed this story, and the son-in-law was arrested. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
May 28
Criminal Trespass-Property Damage
A man stated that, after getting into an argument with his wife, he destroyed their residence so that she would call the police, and he would get arrested. Several items had been strewed about the floor of the house including a lamp and a hamster cage. The wife confirmed the story and claimed that the man’s PTSD was to blame for his mood. The man was swiftly arrested a short time later. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.