March 12
Domestic Dispute
A woman advised that her son attempted to assault her while they were at his grandmother’s house. The son, in turn, claimed that the woman threatened to hit him with a brick. Both parties were advised to separate for the time being. The reporting officer was John Etzle.
March 13
Burglary-First Degree (Felony); Criminal Trespass
The owner of a storage unit facility stated that the lock on the front gate had been cut open. One of the lockers had been broken into and ransacked. The owner was unsure of who might have committed the crime. The reporting officer was John Etzle.
Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor)
A woman was seen driving down the road with a license that had been suspended for failure to appear. She claimed that she had paid the citation but had simply forgotten to submit the proper paperwork. She was swiftly arrested, and her vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
March 14
Wanted Person- Warrant Service; DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Affray (Fighting)
A woman stated that after she picked up her intoxicated friend, the two began to fight. During the argument, the friend went off on the woman and bit her. The woman later admitted that she was also under the influence of alcohol. It was also revealed that she had a warrant out for her arrest. She was placed under arrest, and her vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
March 15
Driving while License Withdrawn
A man was spotted driving down the road with a suspended driver’s license. He admitted to not having a license and to having marijuana in his possession. He was placed under arrest, and his vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Malcom Foy.
Lost/Mislaid Property
A man advised that a utility trailer had been abandoned on his property. It was noted that the trailer’s left tail light was damaged and that several identification stickers had been removed. The man did not know who the trailer belonged to, but he suspected that it had been stolen. A local wrecker service removed it from the property. The reporting officer was James Daniel McKie.
March 16
Disorderly Conduct
A man admitted to firing a shotgun off his back porch. He was very agitated and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. He would only admit to the shotgun blasts after it was discovered that several shotgun shells were in his trash can. His fiancé stated that the two had previously gotten into an argument over the phone about his drinking before he fired the shots. The man agreed to hand his firearms over to the fiancé for safe keeping. The reporting officer was Matt Smith.
March 17
Domestic Dispute
A third party advised that a man and woman were arguing in their front yard. They were fighting about the eviction of the woman, but they later said that everything would be fine. Later that same day, the two started to fight again over the man removing the woman’s belongings from the residence. Both parties agreed to remain at the house and sort out their differences. The reporting officer was John Etzle.
March 18
Mental Patient
A man stated that his son was having a mental breakdown and jumping on top of cars. After attacking some road signs, the son laid down in the roadway and began to shout obscenities at everyone at the scene. He tried to bite an officer before being placed under arrest. He was taken to a local hospital for an evaluation where he admitted to ingesting meth. He had to be sedated at the hospital, as he refused to leave the patrol car upon arrival. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
Battery-Family Violence (First Offense) Misdemeanor; Cruelty to Children- Child Less than 18 Years of Age Present/Hears Illegal Act
A woman stated that that father of her child punched her in the right eye after she informed him that his mother did not like her. The child was with them, and she witnessed the entire incident. The father proceeded to abandon the two on the side of the road. A nearby witness provided a similar story. The father could not be located at the time. The reporting officer was Justin Hynko.
Battery; Obstructing or Hindering Persons Making Emergency Contact
A woman stated that a friend entered her residence and attacked her. A neighbor confirmed this story and added that he pinned the friend to the ground to control him. He managed to get free, and he stated that he was going to return home to retrieve his gun before riding off on a black bicycle. The woman noted that she asked the friend to leave several times and that he snatched her phone away when she attempted to contact police. The friend could not be located at the time. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that he and his girlfriend got into an argument after she became intoxicated. Both parties admitted to being under the influence, and each claimed that the other person slapped them. The girlfriend agreed to stay at a friend’s house for the evening. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Aggravated Assault; Battery-Family Violence (First Offense) Misdemeanor
A man stated that he and his wife started arguing after becoming intoxicated. During the fight, she began to hit and bite the man before hitting him over the head with a lamp. She also tried to stab him with a knife. It was noted that the man had a cut on his forehead and that there was blood on the floor of the residence along with a broken lamp. Emergency medical services arrived to inspect his condition. The wife admitted to the story, and she was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.