Dear Editor:
Through your wonderful newspaper, please allow us to say thank you, thank you and thank you to all Effingham citizens who live in the 12th U.S. Congressional District and voted in the 2014 election. We believe Rick Allen was the best candidate to represent us. Rick is a good businessman and we know he will go to Washington and with God’s help he will fight for adoption of good business solutions for our problems.
The undersigned both live in the Springfield area which is represented by the 12th District. We have attempted in our own humble ways to get the message to the citizens of the 12th District that Rick Allen is a compassionate Christian man who has always served his community. He and his wife of 38 years are active members of their local Methodist church. They have raised four children with good Christian values. They also have seven grandchildren. They are truly a good Christian family.
Good Christian families are the solution we must have to revive this country.
The theme of Rick’s acceptance speech Tuesday night in Augusta was that prayer is the basis for success in all we do. Rick said he and his family spent much time talking with God before he made the decision to run for this office. He stated that he and his family had continued to go the Lord at all times during the campaign and that they would continue to do so when he is in Washington. He expressed his belief that all things are possible through communication with God and his belief that solutions to this country’s problems can be achieved through common sense, cooperation, hard work and continuous prayer with God.
Again we thank you the citizens of this wonderful county for all your support, whether you put up signs, attended meetings, made phone calls, offered advice, allowed us to erect signs on your property, and most of all those of you who were willing to go to God in prayer to seek his guidance.
Butch Kieffer
Pete Clements