Junior Achievement announces the launch of a new program, JA Fellows, which is designed to give high school students an in-depth look into the world of business through multiple innovative programs which simulate the day to day activities in the business community.
JA Fellows is completely funded by the Bernie Marcus Foundation and is currently being offered to high school students (ninth-12th grades) around the state. If a student is chosen to be a JA Fellow, he or she will complete four JA courses centered on business and personal development. Students will complete JA Company Program, where they will work with a group of peers to create and manage their own company. Then they will move on to Success Skills, where they will learn life lessons about getting a job, filling out application and creating a resume. In the spring semester, students will complete JA Titans, an online, simulated marketing materials course and personal finance, where they will learn all about checking, savings, credit and mortgages.
In addition, there will be a once-a-month Saturday Speaker’s Series, where the best of the area’s business leaders will hold workshops to pass on their wisdom to the fellows. Students will also be able to participate in a high-end job shadow day, shadowing a member of the business profession of their choice. Once students complete their courses, they then have the opportunity to travel to district and compete against other fellows with the projects that they created.
“JA Fellows is a new program that was extremely successful in Atlanta and we are excited to be bringing to the Savannah area,” said Emilee Roberts, manager of Development and JA Fellows for Junior Achievement –Savannah District.
“We are looking for bright, self-motivated high school students who are interested in not only learning about the intricacies of business, but who also will take the opportunity to network with area business professionals in order to succeed.”
Business professionals have the opportunity to get involved by leading one of the four classes, being a Saturday Speaker or participating in Job Shadow. “It is important for the members of the business community to step up and get involved. JA Fellows is a great way for a business professional to make a difference in the lives of area students who are on the verge of great success,” states Roberts.
Two classes of JA Fellows will be held each week — one at the Main Library on Bull Street and the other at Savannah Technical College’s Crossroads Campus on Pooler Parkway.
The first semester will meet every week for 12 weeks and the second semester will meet twice a month, also for 12 weeks.
To be considered for JA Fellows, students must complete an application and a 250-word essay. In addition, they must have a teacher or community leader recommendation and a parent signature.
Once the application is received, Roberts will setup an interview with the student. If accepted into the Fellows program, students will be notified by phone.
“In the end, students will walk away with not only the distinction of being a JA Fellow, but also with the confidence and determination that he or she can go anywhere and do anything,” said Roberts.
“With JA Fellows students will learn business and life skills simultaneously, allowing them to rise above their peers, be set apart with distinction and class, and achieve their full potential.”
For volunteering or registration information about the JA Fellows Program, please contact Roberts at (912)790-7822 or eroberts@georgia.ja.org or visit www.georgia.ja.org.