The South Effingham High School CTAE (Career, Technical and Agricultural Education) business department teamed up with the pre-kindergarten classroom to sponsor the first Pre-K Career Day on Oct. 26.
The two-hour career fair introduced pre-K students to the wide variety of careers in the Effingham County community. The young students dressed in career costumes such as a fireman, doctors, detective, policemen, veterinarian, hairdressers, postman, baker, nurse and cupcake maker.
Local businesses were invited to teach students about the job responsibilities of different careers. Participating businesses were Walmart (Debbie Vickery and Davanea Goldwire), Rincon Police Department (Cpl. Jose Ramirez), Bank of America (Assistant Manager Jeannie Sowles), Live Oak Public Library (Effingham Branches Manager Beatrice Saba), Arby’s (Sheryl Perry), Effingham County Board of Education (Superintendent Randy Shearouse and Executive Director of Human Resources Becky Long) and the University of Georgia Marine Department (Mary Ellen Timmons).
The career fair was organized by SEHS business department teacher Debra Bradley and pre-K teacher Beverly Browning. Bradley’s students contacted local businesses and developed a career manual for each child. On hand to meet, greet and hand out Halloween treats to the children was CTAE supervisor and assistant principal Angie Wood.
The students rotated between eight career stations of each of the visiting businesses, and professionals explained the duties associated with each career field. One of the highlights was the chance to sit in Ramirez’s police car and sound the siren, speak into the radio and push function buttons on the patrol car laptop.