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Applications taken for Centennial Farm designations
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Farms hold a central role in the heritage of our state, having formed the economic, cultural and family foundation for generations of Georgians. Some farms have been continuously operating for over 100 years and deserve recognition for their historical importance.

The Georgia Centennial Farm Program was created to draw attention to historic farms and to encourage their preservation. Since 1993, the program has recognized 401 farms around the state.  Nominees must be a working farm with a minimum of 10 acres of the original purchase actively involved in agricultural production or must generate at least $1,000 in annual income.  In addition, farms must have been continuously farmed by members of the same family for at least 100 years.

Qualifying Georgia Centennial Farms are honored each October at an awards ceremony at the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry.

The Georgia Centennial Farm Program is administered by the Historic Preservation Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources; Georgia Farm Bureau Federation; Georgia Department of Agriculture; Georgia Forestry Commission; Georgia EMC and the Georgia National Fair and Agricenter.

For more information, contact Steven Moffson, Georgia Centennial Farm Committee Chair, at 404-651-5906 or at The postmark deadline for applications is May 1 of each year.  Applications are available online at  .

The Historic Preservation Division (HPD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources serves as Georgia’s state historic preservation office. Their mission is to promote the preservation and use of historic places for a better Georgia. HPD’s programs include archaeology protection and education, environmental review, grants, historic resource surveys, tax incentives, the National Register of Historic Places, community planning and technical assistance.