The Exchange Club of Effingham is beginning its Empty Stocking Fund campaign for families in Effingham County.
“Everyday living can be enough to deal with in the economic times we are experiencing, but during Christmas it becomes more difficult,” said Reggie Loper, Effingham Exchange Club Empty Stocking Fund chairman. “It is hard to explain to a child why that special gift they have dreamed of all year was not waiting for them Christmas morning. To a family it may be that wonderful smell coming from the kitchen promising that a delicious and filling meal will be enjoyed this Christmas day. Whatever the reason, at this time of year when we celebrate the birth of the One that gave so much, we should be generous with our treasures. Open your hearts, and your wallets, for those having it a little harder.
Anyone wishing to donate to the Empty Stocking Fund may make a contribution at any BB&T Bank and Renasant Bank in Effingham County. The Exchange Club is a 501c3 organization.
The Empty Stocking Fund is sponsored by the Exchange Club of Effingham County. Monetary contributions for this fund are collected from individuals, churches, civic groups and businesses to help children and needy families at Christmas. The club is seeking contributions for this year’s fund from those who are able to help.
“Families needing help from this program should make application at the Effingham County Department of Family and Children Services,” Loper said. “Families who are not clients of DFACS but are in need of help may participate in this program. DFACS issues vouchers to participating individuals which are redeemed at local businesses designated on the vouchers as vendors These vendors accept the vouchers for toys, food, clothing and medicine only.”
The Empty Stocking Fund Committee members contact businesses in the community to become venders, these vendors accept vouchers as payment for food clothing, toys and medicine only.
The Effingham Exchange Club is responsible for the payment to the vendors for vouchers received for purchases.
The Exchange Club is a service club and sponsors many programs throughout the year in Effingham County involving our schools, our military, businesses, law enforcement, firefighters and private citizens.
“We thank you for your participation in helping us help others,” Loper said. “We wish and yours a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.”
Empty Stocking Fund contributors
Edward R. Markovic 200
Springfield United Methodist Church Men’s Club 500
Springfield United Methodist Church Bible Study Class 50
Exley Lumber Co. 200
Harold’s Body Shop 100
Ted Carellas, P.C. 100
Wilson Insurance Asso, LLC 50
Jack Carter Construction 100
Dr. Richard and Michelle Taylor 250
Rahn’s Services 200
Savannah River Mortgage Co. 100
Brian Burns Outboard Service 100
Vickory Brothers Floor Covering 100
Hall and Hall, P.C. 100
Wiley’s Furniture and Appliance 100
Teezers 50
Gussie Nease 100
Julie Hales 100
Yvette Carr dba Burns Travel World 100
B&M Pools 20
Brett Bennett 100
Bill and Lisa Dasher 25