Wednesday marked the second year of business for Teach Right! the teaching supplies store in Rincon as they celebrated with free cupcakes and discounts.
“I live here,” said Beverly Browning, a loyal Teach Right! customer who teaches pre-kindergarten at South Effingham High School, as she browsed through the store.
Storeowner Marian Hodge said that they had been busy all day.
“We started at 10 a.m., and it’s been hopping since,” Hodge said that afternoon.
Hodge opened the store in 2008 alongside her daughter, Erin Woodcock, also a social worker at SEHS, who manned the register. Meanwhile Amee Griffith, who has been there since the beginning as well, helped around the store.
“We’ve survived two years, and we like to have celebrations for our milestones,” Hodge said.