July 12
Identity Theft Fraud to Create/Use/Possess
A woman advised that an unknown person had opened a credit card in her name without her permission. She received a call from a collection agency who told her that she owed over $200 even though she had no prior knowledge of the account information that they provided. She was unsure as to who created the account. The reporting officer was John Etzle.
July 16
Financial Transaction Card Fraud
A woman stated that a friend sent her over $250 and requested that it be put on gift cards. When one of the cards did not work, the woman was instructed to purchase more cards in order to get her money refunded. She eventually deduced that she was being scammed and called police. The friend could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Driving Without License
A man was spotted driving down the road without a rear-view mirror. He admitted to not having a valid driver’s license and was placed under arrest. His vehicle was turned over to a licensed driver. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Simple Battery- Family Violence
A man stated that during an altercation with his wife, she pushed him, hit him in the face and refused to leave his car so that he could not go to work. The wife said that the two were fighting about their upcoming divorce and claimed that the man had hit her. She was swiftly arrested a short time later. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
July 17
Tag Light Required; Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce
A man was spotted driving a vehicle with a broken tag light. It was noted that he was surrounded by marijuana blunts, and he later admitted to being under the influence. He turned over his remaining marijuana and was placed under arrest. His vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Robert Elliott Petitt.
Wanted Person- Warrant Service; Possession of a Schedule IV CONtrolled Substance
A wanted man was seen driving down the road. It was noted that his vehicle smelled strongly of marijuana, though none was found inside of it. The man was swiftly arrest along with a female passenger who was revealed to have pills in her possession that had not been prescribed to her. The vehicle was turned over to a male passenger. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Theft by Taking- Misdemeanor ($500 or Less)
A man advised that his bag was stolen while he was waiting on a ride to work. He said that he looked away for a brief moment and turned around to discover that it was missing. It contained his cell phone and over $20 in coins. He suspected two men who had been standing nearby of committing the theft, but he could not prove this. The two men could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was John Etzle.
Simple Battery
A woman stated that she and her sister got into an argument over the sister’s child. During the argument, the sister threw the woman’s phone and threatened to run her over with her vehicle. The sister could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was John Etzle.
Disorderly Conduct (County Ordnance)
A woman stated that she locked away her son’s video console after he missed worked because of it. The son responded by threatening to break into the room that it was in and threatening to steal alcohol from the woman’s boyfriend. After being extremely disorderly with police, the son was arrested. The reporting officer was Terry Gideon.
July 18
Animal Complaint
A man advised that his neighbor’s dogs killed four of his chickens. The neighbor claimed, however, that the dogs were not his and that they had been dropped off by an unknown person. He also said that he dropped the dogs off on the side of the road following the incident. He was cited and told to look for the dogs. The reporting officer was Tommy Williams.
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Reckless Driving; Removing or Affixing License Plate with Intent to Conceal or Hide Identity; Wanted Person-Warrant Service
A man was seen driving recklessly down the road. He admitted to having had one beer and agreed to take a field sobriety test. After failing the test and revealing that he had an outstanding warrant, he was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.
July 19
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Too Fast for Conditions; Violation of Conditions on Limited Driving Permit; Failure to Maintain Lane; Safety Belt Violation for 18 Years of Age and Older; Motor Vehicle Crash
A man was spotted having flipped his vehicle in a ditch on the side of the road. He stated that he was not injured but admitted that he was under the influence of alcohol. It was noted that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages, and he confirmed that he had drunk at least four beers before driving. It was also revealed that he was driving on a limited license due to a previous DUI. After being taken to a local hospital for evaluation, the man was placed under arrest. His vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service, and his belongings were turned over to his wife. The reporting officer was Matthew Davis.
Criminal Trespass; Registration and License Requirements
A woman advised that her husband showed up at her place of residence even though she had previously told him not to come. The husband claimed, however, that he was under the impression that he was supposed to pick her up so that the two could do a scrap job for someone. He would not say why the two were living separately. After a brief confrontation over hand restraints, the husband was arrested at the scene. His vehicle was later towed after it was discovered that it contained a pellet rifle and marijuana. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
Simple Assault; Simple Battery
A man stated that one of his employees had come to work and was causing distractions and being disorderly. After he suspended her and escorted her out of the building, she began to hit him on the side of the head and cuss at him repeatedly. When a fellow employee called the police, she fled the scene in her vehicle. The factory manger also confirmed this story. The disorderly employee could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
Unlawful Conduct During 911 Calls or Contacts 911 and Hangs Up; False Report of a Crime; Disorderly Conduct
A man stated that a burglary had occurred at his house. It was later revealed that the man had made the report up and that his address did not exist. He was arrested a short time later. The reporting officer was Cristopher Cary.
Burglary-First Degree (Felony); Theft by Taking- Felony; Criminal Trespass; Theft by Taking-Misdemeanor ($501-$1,500)
A woman stated that she saw several of her son’s friends running toward a van and driving away. When she went into her house, she discovered that a firearm had been stolen. The suspects were later located, whereupon they admitted to being involved in the incident. They were arrested, and the gun was recovered. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Wanted Person-Warrant Service
A man suspected of being involved in drug trafficking was spotted sitting in a driveway with a woman. They claimed that they were waiting for someone at the residence. A background check revealed that both had multiple active warrants, and they were both swiftly arrested. Their vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Matthew Davis.
July 20
Fleeing or Attempting to Elude; Reckless Driving; Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor); Failure to Obey Stop Sign; Speeding in Excess of Maximum Limits (State Speed and Zone Laws); Wanted Person- Warrant Service
A man was seen driving down the road without his seat belt on. He began to flee police by driving through stop signs and speeding. In the process, he almost hit two men who were working on the side of the road. He eventually stopped after getting stuck in the mud, and after a brief chase, he was swiftly arrested. He admitted to not having a valid driver’s license, and it was also revealed that he had an outstanding warrant. His vehicle was recovered by a family friend. The reporting officer was Justin Hynko.
Burglary-First Degree (Felony); Theft by Taking- Misdemeanor ($500 or Less); Theft by Taking- Felony; Criminal Trespass
A man advised that he suspected his niece of breaking into his house and stealing the keys and title to his new truck as well as his wife’s ring. Although there were no signs of forced entry, he noted that she knows how to use a credit card to open a door. The niece could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
July 21
Theft by Taking-Felony
A man stated that a woman did not return his truck after he let her borrow it. He noted that the woman had initially given excuses as to why she could not return it, but she eventually stopped contacting him altogether. The woman could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was Caleb Grovenstein.
Animal Complaint
A woman advised that she had been walking her dog with her family when her neighbor’s dog attacked her dog. The woman was able to separate the dogs before any major damage was done. The neighbor claimed, however, that the two dogs were simply playing and that no fight took place. Both parties agreed to avoid each other. The reporting officer was Max Barber.
Burglary-Second Degree (Felony); Theft by Taking- Felony
A man stated that someone broke into his locked trailer and stole his ATV. The person also took a bag that was on that back of the ATV which contained ropes, hooks, knives, an air compressor and a tool box. He suspected his neighbor of committing the theft but could not prove this. The neighbor could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was Loren Richard Scholes.
Dog Bite
A man stated that a dog attacked his son which caused injury to the son’s chest. The man pulled a firearm on the dog, but someone pulled it away before he had to shoot it. A neighbor claimed that the dog belonged to her and confirmed that it was up to date on its shots. She was advised to keep the dog contained. The reporting officer was John Etzle.
Affray (Fighting); Terroristic Threats and/or Acts
A woman stated that a delinquent went to her residence and started a fight with her son. The son said that the delinquent blames him for getting arrested which is why the fight started. He also said that the delinquent threatened him with a gun. The delinquent, however, claimed that the fight started
after the son threatened him with a baseball bat. Both parties were advised to avoid each other. The reporting officer was John Etzle.
July 22
Criminal Trespass
A woman stated that her boyfriend’s ex-wife had been harassing her and her boyfriend by constantly banging on their door. The ex-wife said that she simply wanted to talk to the boyfriend about his lies and deceit. She was advised to not return to the residence. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
Theft by Deception-Felony
A woman stated that she received a call from her school saying that she owed over $2,000 in student loans despite the fact that she had already paid them off. When she told them that she had paid the money to a certain collection agency, she was told that it did not exist and that she had likely been scammed. The collection agency could not be contacted at the time. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.