Feb. 12
Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce; Possession and Use of Drug Related Objects
A man was spotted turning while failing to use his turn signal. It was noted that his vehicle smelled strongly of marijuana. He denied having any illegal substances in his possessions, but a smoking pipe, rolling papers, a grinder and a small bag of marijuana were later found in the vehicle. The man and two passengers were swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Daniel Handshumaker.
Simple Battery-Family Violence
A woman stated that after getting into an argument with her boyfriend, she tried to leave the scene when the boyfriend pushed her to the ground, punched her in the eye and left. This story was confirmed by the boyfriend’s grandmother. The boyfriend later returned to the scene and claimed that the woman started the argument by attacking him. He was later placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Matt Smith.
Feb. 13
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that he had gotten into an argument with his father about him moving out. The father did not want his son to take his bed or rifle when he left. The father claimed that the son started the argument and that the son is disrespectful. However, a female witness said that it was the father who was the instigator. He ultimately agreed to let the son take his belongings with him. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
Drugs not in Original Container- Misdemeanor; Manufacture/Deliver/Distribute/Sell/Possess Wild Synthetic
A man was seen asleep in his vehicle which was parked in his driveway. His boss arrived on scene and noted that the man had a consistent drug problem. The man admitted to having prescription painkillers wrapped up in a piece of chewing gum foil, and he was placed under arrest. Methamphetamine was later discovered in another piece of foil. The reporting officer was Terry Gideon.
Domestic Dispute
A man stated that he got into an argument with his wife because she was abusing her medication. The man’s son confirmed this but the wife denied it. The wife also claimed that her son had punched her in several places but this could not be confirmed. The reporting officer was Dawn DeVoss.
Possession of Marijuana Less than One Ounce
A man was seen driving down the road without proper tag lights. It was noted that the inside of his vehicle smelled strongly of marijuana. He was arrested after admitting to possessing marijuana and failing a field sobriety test. The vehicle’s registered owner arrived at the scene to pick the vehicle up. The reporting officer was Victoria Wisecarver.
Feb. 14
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Reckless Driving; Possession of Open Alcohol Container
A man was spotted driving down the road at a very high rate of speed. He claimed that his tires were losing air and that he was trying to get home before they went completely flat. It was noted that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages, but he denied being under the influence. He later failed a field sobriety test and was placed under arrest. Five open bottles of whisky were also discovered in his vehicle while it was being towed. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
Feb. 15
Arson-First Degree
A man stated that three fires had been started around his residence, including at his vehicle, the side of his house and his handy house. A gas can and paper were located near the fires. Several tools and a trailer were missing from the property, and tire tracks were located near the handy house. A nearby gate was also found to be broken. The offenders could not be located. The reporting officer was Garett Buckles.
Driving while License Suspended or Revoked (Misdemeanor); Knowingly Driving Motor Vehicle on Suspended, Cancelled or Revoked License
A man was spotted driving down the road with a suspended registration and a single headlight. He admitted to knowing about the suspension and was placed under arrest. His vehicle was later deemed unsafe for driving. The reporting officer was Jason Fondren.
Feb. 16
Criminal Trespass; Simple Battery-Family Violence
A woman stated that her husband was very upset because he had to work the graveyard shift. She admitted to having several alcoholic beverages at a previous time. It was noted that several pieces of furniture were turned over in their house. The husband showed police a video on his phone which showed the woman running about the house and knocking over furniture. He also claimed that she had gotten extremely drunk and punched him in the chest while in an irate state. The woman countered this by saying that the video was a fake and that he had previously beat her. She was later placed under arrest. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Safety Belt Violation for 18 Years Old and Older
An unknown informant advised that a man was traveling recklessly down the highway. The man was later spotted turning around in the middle of the roadway and not wearing his seatbelt. It was noted that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages. He claimed that he stopped to let his dog urinate and that he was not under the influence. He also agreed to take a field sobriety test. He failed the test and was swiftly arrested. A local wrecker service was contacted to collect his vehicle. The reporting officer was John Reinhart.
Burglary-First Degree (Felony)
A man stated that a swindler went to his house and claimed to be switching out a nearby transformer. After talking for a few minutes at the man’s property line, the swindler claimed that he was going to get some flags before driving away without warning. The man then returned to his house to find around $3,500 in cash missing from his bedroom. He also discovered that some of his wife’s jewelry was gone. The man’s mother, who was in the house at the time, said that a second swindler had entered the house while her son was gone and claimed that he was cleaning the kitchen. Neither of the swindlers could be located. The reporting officer was Matt Smith.
Obstructing or Hindering Law Enforcement Officers
An anonymous source stated that a wanted man was verbally abusing a female companion. After several minutes of attempting to lure him out of the woman’s residence, police were able to place him under arrest. The reporting officer was William West.
Financial Transaction Card Fraud
A man stated that his bank statement contained two fraudulent transactions which totaled to nearly $1,500. He noted that he had previously gone to a gas station which may have stolen his information. However, the owner of the store claimed that he had just checked his pumps and that they contained no unsafe parts. The reporting officer was Kristopher Withem.
Simple Battery-Family Violence; DUI- Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
An unknown informant stated that a domestic dispute had occurred and that the male half was leaving the scene. The man was later located on the roadway, and it was noted that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages. He admitted to drinking two beers, and he agreed to take a field sobriety test. He failed the test and was placed under arrest. He also said that the previous domestic dispute involved a fight with his wife in which she threw butter at him and punched him in the chest. The wife claimed that the man started the argument and covered her in butter before fleeing the scene. The reporting officer was Karyn Witherington.
Criminal Trespass-Property Damage
A woman stated that she believed that her husband slashed her tires. It was noted that two of the tires were flat and that there was blood near on of the tires. The husband was later located where upon he admitted to slashing the tires because the woman was cheating on him. He was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
Feb. 17
DUI-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
An anonymous source stated that a suspicious vehicle had been parked in a subdivision for over an hour. It was noted that the female driver smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages and that she was wanted for a probation violation. She admitted to previously consuming alcohol, and a breath test showed that she was under the influence. She was placed under arrest, and her vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was Victoria Wisecarver.
Theft by Conversion
A woman stated that a man took her vehicle to repair it and he never returned it. The man could not be contacted at the time but he was later located where upon he returned the vehicle. The reporting officer was Tonya Hodges.
Wanted Person-Warrant Service
An unknown informant advised that a man was running around naked and hallucinating. After being arrested, the man admitted to having previously taken illegal substances. It was also revealed that he was wanted for a probation violation. He was taken to a local hospital for a medical evaluation. The reporting officer was William West.
DUI- Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
A man and his brother were spotted on the side of the road attempting to pull the man’s vehicle out of a drainage ditch. The man stated that he was simply trying out the new vehicle when he got it stuck. It was noted that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages, and he admitted to being slightly under the influence. He failed both a field sobriety test and a breath test After taking a blood sample, he was swiftly arrested. The reporting officer was Jason Fondren.
Feb. 18
Burglary-First Degree (Felony); Criminal Trespass; Theft by Taking- Felony
A man stated that he returned to his house to find the back door and his gun safe open. He soon discovered that a total of ten firearms were missing from his residence. The door appeared to have been forced open, and tire tracks were found outside of the residence. The man suspected his ex-wife of committing the crime, but he had no proof of this. The reporting officer was Victoria Wisecarver.
Feb. 19
Criminal Trespass
A man stated that an employee of a local restaurant started yelling at her supervisor after he asked her to help with the food. The employee proceeded to push her supervisor and throw a tray of cookies on the ground before leaving. She could not be located. The reporting officer was James Hurst.
Driving while License Withdrawn; No Insurance; Knowingly Driving Motor Vehicle on Suspended, Cancelled or Revoked License
A woman was seen driving down the road with no insurance and a suspended registration. She admitted to not having the insurance and also said that she did not have a license. She was swiftly arrested, and her vehicle was towed by a local wrecker service. The reporting officer was James Thompson.
Fraudulent Telephone Solicitation
A woman advised that she received a text message from someone who offered her $250 if she cleaned their house. The person then asked her to send them $1,800 where upon they would return her the difference. She believed that the person was attempting to scam her, and she provided police with the person’s mailing address. The person could not be located. The reporting officer was John Preston Morris.